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September 11th
Obviously this is a very sad anniversary. Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families who lost loved ones on that sad day. And lets not forget the almost 3000 Americans who have died in Iraq since 9/11. Hopefully we will never experience another day like it again.

There is another version of those events that millions of people are aware of, including many of those friends and family. You won't hear about it on the big corporate news stations such as Faux News, NBC or MSNBC, who by the way are owned by GE, one of the largest defense contractors making BILLIONS on the so called war on terror. I invite you to investigate for yourself. September 11th was horrible, even much more horrible than you think.

Some of the MANY Documentary films:

PhDs, Scientist, Professors and Engineers:

Research sites:

Almost 50 Million pages regarding 9/11 Truth:

More documentaries:

Has our country ever planned terrorism on our own people before to manipulate us into supporting a war? Yes:

I've seen Loose Change listed before, it's been on the top ten of Google video's most popular list for a very long time now, so obviously a lot of people have seen it.

Steve & Regina
Tahoe/Hawaiian Acres
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
I saw Loose Change recently and I have to say, it really affected me. It added to confusion to an already confusing subject, and certainly raises alot of questions in my mind.

Check out my Exotica CD at
#4 and will open your eyes to more government conspiracies!


"If you've got them by the balls, thier hearts and minds will follow."- John Wayne
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Interesting poll by CNN yesterday:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The percentage of Americans who blame the Bush administration for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington has risen from almost a third to almost half over the past four years, a CNN poll released Monday found.

I guess 135 MILLION American's are seeing Elvis too? Looks like the only Bush supporters left are 'rich white boys'. I guess Bush has them by the ... as John Wayne says.

Anyone know the actual Bush family history? It's in the National Archives and Library of Congress:

Your 'Christian" president?

Bush family in Skull and Bones secret society:

Also are participants in the occult at Bohemian Grove:
Comparing this to an Elvis siting is just beyond the pale rude white boy.

People want and need to be informed and slamming views is not the way to do it like that hate monger Rush Limpdick. Sorry I can't help that.

People want education and not to be left in the dark, or manipulated (get it) so it seems to me we should be able to read it all when looking for understanding, not blame and hate.

Many of my dear friends, I mean really dear friends are Repugs and I forgive them for that. I have never tried to convert anyone to my club, but some of them seem to want to save me so to speak. I am conservative in some ways and liberal in others.

This is an article that is the epitome of why I will NEVER be converted, GWB was appointed by God, just ask Katheryn of Florida election fame. I have given this article to some of my friends, explained how the term Homeland Security and many other labels make my skin crawl, and they do not get it. Oh well stay informed and move to Hawaii to get away from some of the BS, that's what I'm striving to do.

"Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

By Jim Stratton
Orlando Sentinel
Saturday, August 26, 2006; A09

ORLANDO, Aug. 25 -- Rep. Katherine Harris (R-Fla.) said this week that God did not intend for the United States to be a "nation of secular laws" and that the separation of church and state is a "lie we have been told" to keep religious people out of politics.

"If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris told interviewers from the Florida Baptist Witness, the weekly journal of the Florida Baptist State Convention. She cited abortion and same-sex marriage as examples of that sin.

Harris, a candidate in the Sept. 5 Republican primary for U.S. Senate, said her religious beliefs "animate" everything she does, including her votes in Congress.

Witness editors interviewed candidates for office, asking them to describe their faith and their positions on certain issues.

Harris has always professed a deep Christian faith. But she has rarely expressed such a fervent evangelical perspective publicly.

Political and religious officials responded to her published remarks with outrage and dismay.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she was "disgusted" by the comments "and deeply disappointed in Representative Harris personally."

Harris, Wasserman Schultz said, "clearly shows that she does not deserve to be a representative."

Ruby Brooks, a veteran Tampa Bay Republican activist, said Harris's remarks "were offensive to me as a Christian and a Republican."

"This notion that you've been chosen or anointed, it's offensive," Brooks said. "We hurt our cause with that more than we help it."

Harris told the journalists "we have to have the faithful in government" because that is God's will. Separating religion and politics is "so wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers," she said.

"And if we are the ones not actively involved in electing those godly men and women," then "we're going to have a nation of secular laws. That's not what our Founding Fathers intended, and that certainly isn't what God intended."

Harris campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Marks would not answer questions about the Harris interview. Instead, she released a two-sentence statement.

"Congresswoman Harris encourages Americans from all walks of life and faith to participate in our government," it stated. "She continues to be an unwavering advocate of religious rights and freedoms."

The religious rights and freedoms of the self proclaimed Righteous, forget youror my religion.

Ok I'm tuned out for the day here folks, sorry for the rant and I'll just move on.


mella l
mella l
Art and Science
the bush regime has exploited this nation ever since 911 to further their neocon agenda, everything from starting oil wars to torture and shredding constitutional rights, bush himself has taken fearmongering to new heights(they probably sit around in the oval office laughing and backslapping each other at how gulible people are), hopefully we are turning a corner, we shall see.

"we have nothing to fear except fear itself"

Thanks Mella, being in N.Cali maybe you know more about Bohemian Grove?

Here's undeniable PROOF Bush knew! Wake up America before it's too late!
Little Katie Harris . St. Petersburg's OJ princess almost makes Ann Coulter sound rational.



"If you've got them by the balls, thier hearts and minds will follow."- John I fought in all the wars . . . except the real ones Wayne

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
Speaking of Katherine Harris, here's some disturbing info about our so called 'democratic' elections!

Keith Olbermann sums it up last night-

Edited by - Tahunatics on 09/12/2006 10:26:38
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison

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