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Fire ants and the world,interesting read
Nuc them Rico!
I used a whole pint of provantday before yesterday. Didnt make a dent i dont think. Did 1 lot ainaloa ,and started my 2 lots,got mines 1/3 done and ainaloa 4 gallons mixed w/ beef liver powder,

Got a long fight ahead, to much junk.


dan d, With all due respect, do you try to be unintelligible?
It is a trend here on Punatalk now. 4 or 5 posters, most relatively new, are trying to outdo each other on it. And interspersing it with clever quips.
My LFA were ousted by slightly bigger black ants. Now my buddy wants to take some of my black ants to his property to kill *his* LFA! I guess he'd have to get a queen in the bunch? Or at least a lot of ant eggs and hope for the best?
Not sure what you're talking about waawaawah? Found nothing there unintelligible.

Kind of a shocking read there though. With all the damage we humans are doing to the environment the fireants are actually thriving and benefiting from the change. Here, this from the read:“biotic homogenization.” It’s a term for what happens when an invasive species outperforms locals and takes over their resources.

My take from the read:
The fire ant problem will not only continue it will get worse. There's no beating them, the battle is simply keeping them at bay.
Interesting! Any downside to these black ants, randomq? You should sell them at Makuu Market.
I've got black ants farming/mining on my Lychee tree. They are terrible, don't spread them. A knowledgeable friend said they mine aphids/mealy bugs all over the tree. They know exactly how far to stress the tree so it won't fruit, but also won't die. We humans need such genius instinct.
"My LFA were ousted by slightly bigger black ants. "

We have black ants that moved in after we eradicated the LFA, but as the LFA come back the black ants are retreating. Here anyway the black ants didn't oust the LFA they just filled their void.

"The fire ant problem will not only continue it will get worse."

In the Southern United States crazy ants are ousting the fire ants:

"A new development in the competition between two ants invading the southern United States: tawny crazy ants (Nylanderia fulva) can detoxify the venom of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta). It's the first known example of an insect with the ability to detoxify another insect's venom, and it is likely helping the crazy ant beat out fire ants where the two species overlap. "

The get worse part- some of the people dealing with the crazy ants are wishing for the fire ants to come back due to their penchant for destroying electronics.

eta: of course, I don't know if crazy ants clash with LFA due to LFA being miniscule. We could potentially live in a world with crazy ants AND lfa
A few years ago I noticed that the parts of my yard that were infested with LFA's, had fewer coqui's.

So for coqui eradication I'm going to sell LFA's at Makuu !

Or better yet I will just drive up and down all of the roads in every sub-standard subdivision and use a blower system to sprinkle LFA's everywhere.
I've been using gel bait with Provaunt in the trees and brush, and Probait on the ground with excellent results. Just did my 5th treatment a couple days ago and I think I've wiped out 95% of my fire ants. I would suggest going to the free class in Hilo. It's very easy to waste your money on treatments that don't work!


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