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New Water Bottling Plant in Hilo Proposed
Open-D, when faced with reality or an alternate view, the cute stories with built in insults come out. Entirely predictable.

There is a club here .. and you ain't allowed. They already beginning to encircle you, hand in your face, not touching you, not touching you.

I hope the bottling plant opens ASAP. The more local business the better. That plastic with a shelf life sounds cool too.


Big Island water already being sold
I am providing a dose of reality to people convinced the sky is falling

Don't worry about us, we have Mauna Mana.
Originally posted by RWR

I hope the bottling plant opens ASAP. The more local business the better.


I hope so too, for the same reason.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by Open-d

Originally posted by Chas

I have looked around. Every thing is NOT fine.

I guess it depends where you choose to look.

Any examples of such from YOUR observation.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

Sheesh. You got me. I can’t think of ANYTHING!

I admit it. You’re right. Everything is great and getting better all the time thanks to good folks like you.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

Realistically, I find the dose more like sci-fi:

For decades, I've been hearing people quacking about climate change... yet NONE of their dire predictions are, or ever seem to manifest in the real, observable world.

The US leads the world in addressing pollution and other stress to the ecosystem, yet it is never enough. First we give up paper grocery bags for plastic, now they object to plastic bags, which were their idea in the first place. Soon, they will object to whatever replaces the plastic bags, all for "noble" and "rational" reason, all of which are mere pretense.

A challenge, every 5 years, go look at the Kailua Pier and report back when it goes underwater, post pics of buildings or seawalls inundated by rising sea levels. Real places, not places with subsiding islands sinking into the ocean. Present direct factual evidence, and proof that the climate is changing in a unfavorable manner in other than its own natural, normal, historical manner. Understand that we are on the tail-end of an Ice Age, factor that into your "evidence".

Not graphs about CO2 or other conjecture, but direct evidence of adverse impact that is proven, and proven to be man-made.

Realize, also, that science is not a matter of consensus, but of evidence and proof.

In 10, 20, 30 or 50 or 100 years, I am certain that the sky will still NOT have fallen. and Kailua pier will still be of-service to cruise ships.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Good for you. I don't put much stock in armchair experts myself. And I have personally observed changes in climate on my family's property before talk of climate change became common. Had no word for it at the time except to notice things were different than they used to be for my grandparents.

On the other hand, mankind has developed sciences that have put men on the moon.... an achievement. And in those expert minds I put a good deal of faith. Wishful thinking never accomplishes much. This wold have never before had 7+ billion energy hungry people on it. We as a species are elevated above animals largely by our ability to burn things. We are expert at burning stuff. Best analogy I can come up with is to sit in your closed garage with the car engine running and let me know how that works out. Our atmosphere is very, very thin... only a few miles.

Hawaii is still about the best place I can think of to watch what happens next.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Climate change is a very real thing. It has been happening, driven by natural forces, since there was a climate to change. We are in the tail-end of an ice-age. Visit the La Brea tar pits and see the wooly mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers skeletons that roamed this area just a short time (in geologic) terms ago. Go to Central Park and look at the scrape marks on solid granite caused by a hundreds of feet thick Ice Sheet that covered the area, again, recently (in geologic time).

Modern cars, BTW, produce so little CO that suicide in the manner you describe is difficult if not impossible.

Every facet of nature, animate, inanimate and otherwise has an impact on the environment. Whales poop, so do seals and millions of tons of animate biomass, both wet and dry. Yet the earth handles it all.

Occasionally, the earth belches more pollution in a relatively brief period, pollution and dust that alters the climate, that circles the globe, yet the planet keeps on chugging. Witness the series of Supervolcanoes that terminates at Yellowstone, Krakatoa, Mt. Rainier, St. Helens etc., Earth digests it all.

Do you really think that the climate change brought about by man's activities, as compared to climate change that occurs naturally on an on-going basis, is significant, or even measureable? We are emerging from an Ice Age that covered most of North America with an Ice Sheet hundreds if not thousands of feet thick. "Global warming" brought Earth out of it, just as global cooling put earth into it, but we, as a species, had barely invented the Camp Fire. A Temperature shift that is massive, and it was all by natural circumstances, and happened before, and will happen again.

While it goes unreported, there are many climate scientists who do NOT support the conclusions the ones you listen to dol

You and those of similar opinion remind me of a guy here in SoCal that had studied the Bible and was certain the apocalypse was just around the corner, even had the date. Millions believed him, some sent in their life-saving beforehand, but guess never happened.

Similarly, nothing you have "swallowed" as certain to happen, will happen. You will be sitting in Puna watching "nothing" (except the next eruption) happen.

And, finally, even if I was certain man-made global warming was happening. I wouldn't change my lifestyle. The impact is just too minor to worry about. I only live once, and those that follow (if they follow), will deal with it using their advanced technologies. It is unrealistic and unfair to expect one generation to live for an as-yet non-existent generation. Who knows, perhaps Yellowstone super volcano will erupt next month and spoil mankind.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Best analogy I can come up with is to sit in your closed garage with the car engine running and let me know how that works out.

Whoa Rob, that's dark.

About the darkest I've seen posted from you so far in my history of visiting this web site.

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