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New Water Bottling Plant in Hilo Proposed
Hi Open-d, a quick midday note and opinion u did not ask for.

We both know how things really are and i understand ur frustration.

People who create cute little storys with veiled insults built in, others, ( who keep reading ) taddling to the monitor and even npcs that are alluding to you adopting russian talking points. I know, yeah its actually happening here. Orange man has even been used.

The fact that this continues is representative of the bias that exists and is tolerated for whatever reasons.

On to say, as a fellow patriot, i am respectfully suggesting that u disengage from this one as its heading into the weeds and i don't want to lose u here to this. Save for another day.

Aloha and have a great day.
Open-d: "I swear you know nothing about the myriad of factors involved...."

This is as amusing as Gypsy's diatribes against TMT. Gypsy regularly had 3-4 posters irritated and ranting against his arguments.

Open-d is easily besting Gypsy's record. The difference is that we could divine that Gypsy generally believed in what he wrote.

I don't believe Open-d believes half the s--t he writes. And that's one of the best definitions of a troll: Someone who writes s--t he doesn't believe in just to get other people's goat.

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Open-d says:
ANYONE who asserts they can caluclate it with certainty is a fool,
I stand by my estimate

Taking a stand, based on an estimate, caluclated (sic) with nothing.
How much is the toll today?

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain

No different than what your side does, they HAVE TO. There is a lack of near perfect data spanning 200,000 years to analyze.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by MarkD

Open-d: "I swear you know nothing about the myriad of factors involved...."

This is as amusing as Gypsy's diatribes against TMT. Gypsy regularly had 3-4 posters irritated and ranting against his arguments.

Open-d is easily besting Gypsy's record. The difference is that we could divine that Gypsy generally believed in what he wrote.

I don't believe Open-d believes half the s--t he writes. And that's one of the best definitions of a troll: Someone who writes s--t he doesn't believe in just to get other people's goat.

You are so wrong that you can't see, hear or smell "right".

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by RWR

Hi Open-d, a quick midday note and opinion u did not ask for.

We both know how things really are and i understand ur frustration.

People who create cute little storys with veiled insults built in, others, ( who keep reading ) taddling to the monitor and even npcs that are alluding to you adopting russian talking points. I know, yeah its actually happening here. Orange man has even been used.

The fact that this continues is representative of the bias that exists and is tolerated for whatever reasons.

On to say, as a fellow patriot, i am respectfully suggesting that u disengage from this one as its heading into the weeds and i don't want to lose u here to this. Save for another day.

Aloha and have a great day.

With respect, I will address other issues, and leave this one reiterating my support for the bottling plant endeavor, and best wishes to all. It will not be easy, though.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
From Open-d: "You are so wrong that you can't see, hear or smell "right"."

Whoof. A swing and a miss.
I for one am happy your right Mark. IMO, Open-d has done a bunch more research ( with an open mind Smile than some of the other posters here. I recognize for every point one can consult Prof./Dr. Google and find an arguable counter point. You know this. We need Open-d on our team.

So now you guys shake hands.

Peace and KAG
Earth's climate has changed before:

Everything's going to be fine:

"It's all a question of what you want to believe in, and I happen to have more experience in these matters than you do !"
"While a septic tank is better, well.. it just isn't good enough. You'll just have to sacrifice, for the future generations need to drink, and don't want to drink your septic tank leach.

The only honorable, environment-respecting thing to do is level the house, dig up the septic, have the leach field sterilized, and move to an area with real sewerage treatment".

This may be sarcasm and I'm too tired to see it but just in case, I respectfully disagree. There is nothing magic about a wastewater treatment plant. It attempts to and largely succeeds at doing exactly what a septic tank and leach field do only for lots more wastewater in lots less space. It does so by using infinitely more energy (a septic tank/leach field system uses none) and more chemicals (chlorine for one just before discharge into the ocean). Sometimes it fails and bypasses raw sewage into the ocean or other body of water. Even when working properly it discharges treated wastewater into those same bodies of water. There are places in the world where water is drawn from a river upstream from a town, treated to drinking water quality, goes "through" the town (cough, cough), is treated at a wastewater treatment plant and discharged into the river downstream of the town, and finishes the cleansing process in the river on the way to the next town where the process is repeated. There is nothing wrong with this as long as the various process limits are respected.

We are all drinking dino-pee anyway. Everything is relative.

The thing about climate change is that the changes are so slow that future generations can just think "There goes gramps, talking about when it "used to snow" here in Minnesota".
There is nothing magic about a wastewater treatment plant.

The plant itself, no; however, the construction of the plant and sewer lines requires a massive bond issue, which means there's plenty of money for graft and corruption.

[iThe price tag of a wastewater treatment plant proposed for Naalehu has increased to $40.5 million. ]The project was previously reported to cost $20.3 million.

After which, if there isn't enough in the slush fund, it's trivial to raise rates.

The current $27 monthly fee for single-family and multi-family residential units would increase to $39 monthly on March 1, $46 monthly in 2020 and $52 monthly in 2021, under the plan.[/i]

Given a choice, I'll pay for a septic system.

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