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New Water Bottling Plant in Hilo Proposed
Talk about a full cycle thread. : )
Open-d wrote:

"As far as the number, it is impossible to calculate with trillions of variable involved such as sun spots, coronal mass ejections, orbit variatios, tilt variations, resulting ocean current variations. ANYONE who asserts they can caluclate it with certainty is a fool, only surpassed by those who believe it. I stand by my estimate in the absence of any other well founded, or even partially-founded estimate.

What are you going to do to stop the pulsing of the sun, its ever changing output, the change in our orbit around the sun or the tilt of the earth's axis....

You do understand that we can measure, very accurately, the flux from the sun? Ever heard of the Solar Constant? It's something that's measured continually. Any changes in the sun's output are known instantly and the data made available to the worldwide scientific community. There is no need to calculate trillions of things, whatever changes that the sun is undergoing is not responsible for whatever you are claiming. You are building a straw man that isn't supported by scientific observations. There are dozens of scientists, right here on the Big Island and also on Maui that have forgotten more than you know about Solar Dynamics and the sun's influence on the Earth. But you know different of course.

I've tried bringing this back to Hawaii. A massive solar telescope is being built on Haleakala right now so we understand better how the sun works, but for some reason someone else has already told us there's no point, because we can't figure out the earth's orbit around the sun, the earth's axial tilt or these so-called solar pulses.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain

LOL HOTPE!! That is just about your best microprint quote that I have seen you post. So true. So applicable here. Also same can be said with drunk people. Just substitute drunk person for stupid people in that quote.

I gave up on this thread awhile ago because of that logic. I disagree with just about everything open-d posts and he said I'm always on the "wrong" side of the argument. As I mentioned in the past that the (speaking truth to lies/ facts to ignorance) motto is simply a ridiculous sham following every post. More likened to: spreading more untruths and increasing the ignorance.
Originally posted by ElysianWort

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain

LOL HOTPE!! That is just about your best microprint quote that I have seen you post. So true. So applicable here. Also same can be said with drunk people. Just substitute drunk person for stupid people in that quote.

I gave up on this thread awhile ago because of that logic. I disagree with just about everything open-d posts and he said I'm always on the "wrong" side of the argument. As I mentioned in the past that the (speaking truth to lies/ facts to ignorance) motto is simply a ridiculous sham following every post. More likened to: spreading more untruths and increasing the ignorance.

At least I am smart and creative enough to come up with my own Signature line. At least I didn't need to steal a quote from someone else, with or without attribution.

You equate "they don't agree with me" with "stupid". That, truly, is the stupid position/attitude taken here, and you guys own it lock, stock and barrel. Gullible fools who have been convinced to give up large parts of their freedom in homage to a non-existent problem that they are convinced is going to devour them unless they surrender. I squander my time and intellect on rubes no more.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
You equate "they don't agree with me" with "stupid".

That's dumb.
RWR: Mark....Open-d has done a bunch more research ( with an open mind Smile than some of the other posters here....You know this. We need Open-d on our team.

- - - -

Hey, I support the bottling plant. We have way too many CAVES on Hawaii Island. Citizens Against Virtually Everything

But advancing global warming denial arguments is a poor way to challenge environmental extremism.

And I think Open-d is leaving anyways: "I squander my time and intellect on rubes no more."
I squander my time and intellect on rubes no more.

Advancing/rejecting global warming denial arguments is tantamount to
We are in a Dry spell here in Puna...Mother Earth is gonna have her way
Advancing/rejecting global warming denial arguments

But there is blame to be laid, and fault to be had! Clearly it's all caused by (political_party_who_does_not_agree_with_my_views) and their relentless (activity_i_disapprove_of).

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