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September 11th
Mella - In regards to follow the money and the put options:

In regards to the Popular Mechanics article:

The Hidden Hand of the CIA, 911, and Popular Mechanics

By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
March 19, 2005

Instructive fast peek at players, politics and patterns behind PM's recent 9/11 disinfo. - Ed.
A brutal purge of the senior staff at Popular Mechanics preceded the publication of last month's scandalous propaganda piece about 9/11. Pulling the strings is the grand dame of Hearst Magazines and behind the scene is her obscure husband, a veteran propaganda expert and former special assistant to the director of the C.I.A.
The Reichstag fire, a key event in German history, and the steps that followed en suite leading to the Nazi dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, provide remarkable precedents for what occurred in the United States on 9/11 and since.

The fire that consumed the German parliament building on the night of February 27, 1933, is widely believed, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, to have been contrived by the newly formed Nazi government to turn public opinion against its opponents and allow it to assume emergency powers.

The day after the burning of the Reichstag, the government headed by Adolf Hitler enacted a decree for the Protection of the People and the State. Hitlers emergency decree dispensed with all constitutional protection of political, personal, and property rights.

Likewise, a month after 9/11 the U.S. Congress passed, without even reading, similar emergency legislation: the Bush administrations USA PATRIOT Act of 2001. The pre-prepared massive security act's long title is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism."

Within a month of the Reichstag fire, on March 23, 1933, the parliament passed the Enabling Act, whereby its legislative powers were transferred to Hitler's Reich Cabinet. This act, passed by a vote of 444 to 94, legally sanctioned the Nazi dictatorship,

Another parallel is seen in the way George W. Bush and Hitler came to power. Bush obtained the presidency in 2001 through a Supreme Court decision after a flawed and un-counted election, while Hitler secured the German chancellorship through elections in November 1932 in which the Nazi Party failed to win an outright majority.

Hitlers propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, is thought to have let arsonists into the parliament building through a tunnel leading from the official residence of Hermann Gvring, Reichstag president and Hitler's chief minister.

Gvring then presided over the official investigation, which blamed the communists. In a similar manner, the Bush administration openly opposed an independent investigation of 9/11 and fixed blame on Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arab terrorists. Based on this official, but unproven, explanation for 9/11 the United States has invaded and occupied two Middle Eastern nations.


"Ninety-five percent of the work of intelligence agencies around the world is disinformation and deception," Andreas von B¸low, former parliamentary official responsible for the budget for Germany's intelligence agencies, told American Free Press in December 2001.

Like Nazi Germany of 1933, American newsstands today carry a mainstream magazine dedicated to pushing the government's truth of 9/11 while viciously smearing independent researchers as extremists who peddle fantasies and make poisonous claims.

The magazine pushing the government's 9/11 propaganda, Popular Mechanics (PM), is published by the Hearst family. Its March cover story, Debunking 9/11 Lies, has been exposed by credible researchers to contain numerous distortions and flawed conclusions. American Free Press revealed that Benjamin Chertoff, the 25-year-old senior researcher who authored the 9/11 article, is related to Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The PM article illustrates how a propaganda method, used by dictatorships, is now being employed by the U.S. government: controlling mainstream media outlets to promote its version of 9/11.

The actions of Michael Chertoff concerning the events of 9/11, the non-investigation that followed, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the propaganda being disseminated in PM, are strikingly similar to actions attributed to the Nazi ministers Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Gˆring.

While Chertoff is the czar of DHS, he is not sovereign at PM or Hearst Magazines, its corporate parent. The president of Hearst Magazines, one of the world's largest publishers of monthly magazines with 18 U.S. titles and more than 100 international editions, is Cathleen P. Black, a 60-year old native of Chicago. Black oversees the publication of 175 titles around the world including Cosmopolitan, Harpers Bazaar, Town & Country, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, and Popular Mechanics.

Black is a former president and publisher of USA Today. In 1983, Black was made president of the new newspaper published by Gannett. The following year she was made publisher and soon became a member of Gannetts board of directors.

Despite her efforts, her biography reads, USA Today did not show an operating profit in the eight years that Black was there. The newspaper's non-profitability notwithstanding, Gannett paid Black $600,000 a year for her efforts. USA Today reportedly had a circulation of 1.8 million when Black left in 1991. USA Today is often given away free of charge.

Black left USA Today to become president and chief executive of the nascent Newspaper Association of America (NAA), formed on June 1, 1992. She then became the leading spokesperson and lobbyist for the nation's newspaper industry. Black's position at the NAA carried "considerable political heft," Paul Farhi of The Washington Post wrote, "given that the 1,400 members of her organization control the nations editorial pages.

In 1995, for an annual salary reported to be "in excess of $1 million," Black was hired by Hearst Corp. to head its magazine division. Named by Fortune magazine as one of the Most Powerful Women in American Business, Black sits on the boards of Hearst Corp., the Advertising Council, IBM, and Coca-Cola. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

It is often said that USA Today is controlled by the CIA, which, like the paper, is based in McLean, Virginia. The little-known fact that Black is married to Thomas E. Harvey, an obscure lawyer who became a White House Fellow in 1977 and served as special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), provides substance to these rumors. Black's corporate biography does not mention her husband.

President Jimmy Carter made Harvey a White House Fellow in May 1977. "In that capacity," Harvey's biography reads, he "served as special assistant to the Director of the C.I.A. Following that he held senior appointed positions within the Department of Defense."

The DCI at the time was Stansfield Turner, who had replaced George H.W. Bush.

Prior to serving the CIA, Harvey worked at the New York law office of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. The international law firm, co-founded by Morris Hadley, a 1916 member of Yale University's secret society Skull & Bones, has ties to the CIA and lists William H. Webster, DCI from 1987-1991, as a senior partner. Webster also serves on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

In the 1980s, Harvey served as General Counsel and Congressional Liaison of the U.S. Information Agency, the former external propaganda arm of the U.S. government. Harvey also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Army and Navy. In 1992, Harvey was personnel director for the Bush-Quayle 92 Campaign.

Calls to the offices of Black and Harvey for the purpose of this article went unanswered.


In the months leading up to the Chertoff article in PM, a brutal take-over occurred at the magazine. In September 2004, Joe Oldham, the magazines former editor-in-chief was replaced by James B. Meigs, who came to PM with a deputy, Jerry Beilinson, from National Geographic Adventure. In October, a new creative director replaced PMs 21-year veteran who was given ninety minutes to clear out of his office.

A former senior editor at PM, who is forbidden from openly discussing the coup at PM, told AFP that the former creative director was abruptly told to leave and given severance pay of two weeks wages for every year spent at PM. Three or four people have been similarly dismissed every month since, he said. He said he was astounded that the coup at PM had not been reported in the mainstream media.

PM has long been a supporter of the U.S. military. The magazine ran a full page ad in support of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in May 2003. Since the purge last September, however, PM readers have noticed that government propaganda has replaced scientific writing. A letter to the editor in the current issue says, I think you guys are just another tool in the governments propaganda machine.

It is only those who have never fired a shot in battle nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood more vengeance more desolation. War is hell. William Tecumseh Sherman

The NRA 4ever! Maggie Simpson

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer
How can I as a average citizen ever really know the truth about 9/11? I watched the "confronting the evidence" video and found it very disturbing. It's easy for me to believe that Muslim extremist's were behind the attacks because they have a proven history of attacking U.S. interests.
I am open minded but find it harder to believe that our own President would murder 3,000 Americans to further his Neo-Con agenda. In 2003 I was all for the war in Iraq to get rid of Saddam but now realize it was a big mistake or maybe we should have declared victory and left after we captured Saddam. Back to the Twin tower's could it be possible to set explosives all thru every floor of the building and not have one single person like a janitor or security guard see them so this? Wouldn't there have to be wires exposed everywhere? and wouldn't it take months to install in such large buildings? If someone came forward and said they planted the explosives then that would be hard to refute.

For the record, I side firmly with the lefties in this thread (except for the conpiracy part). However, it IS September 14, 2006 and we need to get back to Aloha!
But in the mean time people need to educate themselves as the media is doing not so hot of a job being open minded, investigative, informative unless you go for all the hype. Is this really a left thing? I think not, I think it is a human thing to be curious, want to understand, want the best choices to be made for the survival of a civil society.

I agree Glen it is time to get back to aloha.

So Mahalo and aloha to all, Gracie says goodnight too!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
The thread is titled "Sept 11" was Aloha missing from these posts? I didn't see it that way or mean it that way myself.

Aloha is all I see here on the sunny side of the street!

Anyone got any new Elvis info?

"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a shit whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"- Dennis Miller
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Agreed. The media is busy distracting us with pictures of Tom Cruise's baby. The media merely seeks to entertain and distract, and not to inform: Missing white girls, celebrity babies, "news" that promotes entertainment programs that are on later that the meantime a city of half a million Americans lies in ruins, several American lives are snuffed out each day in an occupation that has cost over $300 billion ----money that could have been spent to pave the streets of New Orleans with gold, pensions. Medicare and social security are being reformed out of existence, and the public school system that has been the great equalizer for decades is being destroyed in the name of "standards" so that privitized schools, the best schools you can afford personally, are all that remain. Hawaii is being purposely more militarized in an effort to turn it irretrievably red, America has secret prisons, there is legislation pending in Congress to retroactively justify multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions (e.g., war crimes).

No, I'm with you. But in an open democracy forum like this, I wouldn't want to shock anyone! So I'll be off to discuss the merits of catchment vs. groundwater! Aloha!
Go with catchment water. Just think of how many people pee in their yard (me included).


"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a shit whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"- Dennis Miller
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Only the paranoid survive. Andy Grove

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

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