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Hawaii could be the first state to ban cigarettes
Ban'em Danno.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The article mentions the loss of 110 million dollars in tobacco taxes as a "downside".

Some Asians like to smoke. A lot. They are also the primary tourists to our state. Are we really going to tell a bunch of nicotine addicts that if they come here on vacation, we're going to threaten to throw them in jail if they try to service their addiction? Instead of putting leis on our visitors, maybe we can hand them nicotine patches? Pamphlets?

If this bill passes, it might help Iran's tourism. Cigarettes are still legal there.
See hawaii revised statutes 345 final, new laws comin down the pike will replace these introduced by outside interestes


What a route to a police state. Astounding that there appears to be significant support for this.
Banning stuff that has been legal for centuries always works out just fine, right? Combine it with a very strong addiction, what could possibly go wrong?
So let me see if I get this. Riding a motorcycle with no helmet is fine, numerous DUI crashes a month is fine, using medical marijuana is fine, government corruption is fine...but smoking cigarettes just has to go. And I thought California politics was complicated.

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Riding a motorcycle with no helmet is fine... using medical marijuana is fine, government corruption is fine...

Good start Stacey.
May I add:
* Children riding in the back of pickup trucks, loose, is fine
* Enough private fireworks on New Years until the air becomes toxic for many residents, and pets react as we all should given the insanity of the situation - - is fine

But tradition, culture, precedent.

Maybe the state should license tobacco dispensaries, and allow each resident no greater than six (6) tobacco plants on their property at any given time?

“You can’t talk sense to someone who makes no sense.” - Sen Mazie Hirono
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
So let me see if I get this. Riding a motorcycle with no helmet is fine, numerous DUI crashes a month is fine, using medical marijuana is fine, government corruption is fine...but smoking cigarettes just has to go. And I thought California politics was complicated.

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
@lazyL... using medical marijuana is fine, government corruption is fine.

Using medical marijuana Is fine...
Seems like we have two societal problems here:

One, a bunch of idiot addicts that can't grasp the concept of enjoying something "once in a while", and smoke (drink, eat, ...) themselves to bad health and poverty.

Two, fascists that are more than happy to take away all of our rights because of the idiot addicts.

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