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Hawaii could be the first state to ban cigarettes
Wonder how many, like myself [I haven't smoked in thirty years], will light up a butt in protest. Politicians need to get a job and a life!
Originally posted by randomq

Seems like we have two societal problems here:

One, a bunch of idiot addicts...

Who don't give a damn about others upon whom they inflict their disgusting filth.

Cancer cures tobacco addiction, but it's sad that any percentage of children are exposed to toxic smoke.
If both laws pass, I can’t wait to have this conversation.............

No officer! I swear, it’s pakalolo not tobacco! Here, take a toke and test it.........see I told you.
Originally posted by Mac2017

If both laws pass, I can’t wait to have this conversation.............

No officer! I swear, it’s pakalolo not tobacco! Here, take a toke and test it.........see I told you.


Paka, Nyet
Pakalolo, Da

i think our politicians are just creating another uproar so folks don't think about the real problems our state is facing. aside, another law in the works is making it a crime to let your home be vacant to discourage squatters... yep.. that is real, before our state legislature currently.
That idea is brilliant. They can criminalize vacant home ownership, and when they return to live in their home, arrest them and put them in jail. Eventually the judge will release them and put them on house arrest.

It worked!
This is government overreach. Regardless of what you think of smoking, consider what else they may ban ‘for your own good.’
10-4 SoCal! Like your thinking
Regardless of what you think of smoking, consider what else they may ban ‘for your own good.’
As in, the wealth you have created from after tax dollars...

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