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Hawaiians angry--again: Dirt skiers on MK
I'm not angry, just amused - mostly by you!!! !!! !!!

"And they’re not from here. So I just don’t think they have any idea of what they’re doing"

So how can you blame them or "hold them accountable" for something they had no idea was wrong? How would they know? I live here and until now I didn't know that sliding down a hill is considered disrespectful. Where was this information available BEFORE the incident?
Originally posted by glinda

[i] And, in fact, they tend to do more farming either commercially or in their own yards, than many other cultures here. You certainly can not say that about white people.

Correct, we build airplanes, cars, buildings, bridges, ships, spacecraft, computers, ICs, highways, pharma, CAT Scan machines, MRI machines, X-Ray Machines, Radiation therapy machines..........!!! You seem to have your priorities in a total shamble!!! !!! !!!

Are "the Hawaiians" going to grow all their own food
I bet they would.

Have you ever visited any other Pacific island? Or read about them? Can you name a single island or atoll in the ocean where people grow or harvest or fish for a majority of the food they consume? Tom Hanks in Castaway doesn’t count.

“I think your article has been interpreted as that you were OK with dwarf-tossing.” - Sen Mazie Hirono 2/5/19, questioning the qualifications of a judicial nominee, perhaps with empathy for the Menehune, and their historical plight
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Have you ever visited any other Pacific island?

What about here? Who grows the taro? Have you any idea of how much and what kind of variety of foods are farmed in the Waimea area by Hawaiians? Do you have any idea of what the Hawaiian people actually do? As to the cattle.. our largest by far ag, how many paniolo are Hawaiian?
Beat me to it my.o2.

And even then maybe they be like "who keerz"

Only thing getting ruin here is edged and fragile feelings.

Do you have any idea of what the Hawaiian people actually do?

Yes, in fact I do. I work with Hawaiian people on a regular basis.
I have a greenhouse, a fairly large greenhouse in which I grow vegetables and herbs. And yet I still spend a fair amount of money at the grocery store.

My question wasn’t “can Hawaiians grow food.”
My question was can you name an island where the inhabitants grow a majority of their food? I can’t.

“I think your article has been interpreted as that you were OK with dwarf-tossing.” - Sen Mazie Hirono 2/5/19, questioning the qualifications of a judicial nominee, perhaps with empathy for the Menehune, and their historical plight
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
glinda: (Hawaiians) tend to do more farming either commercially or in their own yards, than many other cultures here. You certainly can not say that about white people.

- - - -

Up until the 1970s, Puna was heavily populated with so called hippies. Many did not have cars; they lived in off-grid cabins, growing various crops, including pot. (A few amassed big money, most not at all).

Some people derided the hippies as bums, noting their acquisition of food stamps and their tendency to poach fruit. Some truth there. But certainly they were involved in "voluntary simplicity," living close to the land.

They dressed down, weren't preoccupied with who has the best new CD player. And they were mostly white.

Hawaiians, generalizing, seem to be fairly interested in material culture (like most of the rest of us). Acquiring nice vehicles, especially 4-wheel drives, getting the best new cell phone, a nice house. They seem to prefer a regular job more than any working-the-land situation.

Topic is worth discussion if we are going to try to generalize about cultural affinities for living in harmony with nature. And that is one of Hawaiians' big "cred" things, right?? Hawaiians' special love and reverence for nature, the aina.

(Incidentally, sociologists have observed that some cultures with a so-called tribal history tend to dislike farm work. It is a legacy of 400 years of European imperialism forcing people into agricultural work. This dislike regularly conflicts with these cultures professed closeness to the land. Hawaiians mostly avoided being forced into plantation work, if my history is correct, so there might not be relevance here.)

Bawahaha, I know about Hawaiian people, i have an awesome greenhouse. Gilda Radner's character comes immediately to mind.

I know about Hawaiian people, i have an awesome greenhouse.

glinda asked whether I had any idea of what Hawaiian people do. I answered him.
glinda stated people in Hawaii could grow their own food, and I offered an example.

How would you suggest I reply to his questions RWR?

“I think your article has been interpreted as that you were OK with dwarf-tossing.” - Sen Mazie Hirono 2/5/19, questioning the qualifications of a judicial nominee, perhaps with empathy for the Menehune, and their historical plight
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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