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September 11th
Interesting news report in All Headline News in regards to the alleged attack on the US Embassy in Syria this week.
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
Did any of you by chance read this site?

Anyone on the Punaweb have an opinion on what this physicist thinks happened?

mella l

Those are obviously very inteligent people, PhDs, scientists, engineers, professors. Here's another site of highly educated people, scholars for 9/11 truth:

Did anyone see this previous post? This scientist, PhD makes a very convincing scientific argument for demolition:
That article on Damascus is interesting. I mean, if you continue to do what you are doing, eventually you will be found out, right? What the heck is going to become of this country? We have no clue what really goes on with all the propaganda flying around! The hard thing is not wanting to be paranoid but in the face of so much evidence how can go through your days not wondering just what horrible acts will be leveled on more innocent people?!

You guys sound so calm and informed. I'm not so naive as to think that all that they do in Washington is above-board...that would be insane. But the magnitude of the acts we are discussing here is huge! I appreciate all this info...I don't know where I would ever see what I have been watching here in the past few days without going to some website with a reputation for being out there. Is their influence so strong that they can make even these learned intellectuals seem like lunatics?! How can they do that?


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

Edited by - carolann r on 09/16/2006 11:17:03

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
I have some questions....since you posted tons of questionable source sites URL's.

Why would you all believe videos put together on suspect/non proven "facts"?

How many of you really know what is reported in the media to be all true?

It is like going to an online source to get your medical care, would you do that? You haven't even gone to legitiment credible sources.

To me the research you have pointed out is flawed and erroneous.

If you truly believe all of this, why are you still living in this country?

You know it will be Republican at some point in the future again, how can you live like that with these supposed facts that upset you so?

In closing......
Late *Democratic* Senator Daniel P. Monahan of NY once said "Everyone has the right to their own opinions but not their own facts."

I would have wished at the minimum to see fact-based assertions, please.
It would be great to see a debate informed by facts, and by analyis of a quality that would satisfy the legal justice system.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
Actually, all this news about 911 (and Lucy I think you need to read some more--some of the websites are by scientists at universities) isn't the scariest thing to me. The most frightening thing and biggest threat to our 'democracy' is the voter fraud, rigged electronic voting machines with no paper trails that are built and programmed by right wing supporters bent on insuring elections for Republicans and disenfranchisement of large numbers of minority (mostly black) voters, especially in Florida and Ohio. This is damned scary. I think we have already lost our democracy and better forget bringing 'democracy' to other countries and focus on our own. Besides everyone knows that the U.S. will topple a democratically elected leader if s/he does not kowtow to Washington. Wake up America! Our hard won freedoms are slipping through our fingers while we watch the boob tube.

Here another for you to consider, not mainstream either, so does that make it untrue, or unworthy of thought and consideration?

"An Inconvient Truth" Documentary, very thought provoking. If only half of it is true well, man the life boats. At the least we can adopt some conservation approaches can't we?

Don't take my word for it here is the link to an Australian Newspaper that seems to give quite a reasonable appraisal to this film. No it isn't Hollywierds finest, it far surpases that, is insightful, intelligent and also will soon be debunked by the Bushies, you know Bush from Texas the Smog state, siffering from drought and plague and pestulence. Sorry Just my not so humble opinion. Need breakfast me thinks!!

1. Australia and the USA did not sign the Kyoto Accords.

Question why do autos in China get more mileage than ours? Who has the technology?

Answers anyone?

See "An Inconvient Truth" if you need any incouragement to recycle, to skip that unnecessary trip to the store, or be informed of climate changes happening currently.

Oh move to another country if we don't like it here. Hey I was born here and hate to see it subtrifudged by the almight god defined by anyone other than myself for me, (that's what the terrorists do remember).

By the way this stuff isn't reported in the mainstream media, people have to dig for it, sort thru gobs of trash to find this stuff.

Physics, doesn't lie, it consists of numbers.

Hey lets celebrate and have another Mai Tai! Lets turn on another game show to numb our minds! Oh it is only Noon, well it is 5PM somewhere now isn't it?

Aloha, Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Just look south to our neighbors in Mexico. Now I don't know anything about either of the presidential hopefulls there, but have read a little about the election fraud suspected there. It sounded to me like they took a page out of the Katherine Harris book of how to count votes. I know I could be wrong and hope I am.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

A clear concise factual case and even level debate that is all that I ask. No need to get all worked up and tell me to go read more, you don't have a clue as to my knowledge or background. All I am asking for is a true debate, not the nonsense that starts all of this fear based rumors going around.

This quoted below sounds like the kind of paranoic thoughts that get everyone started and run with all the rumor mills.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Edited by - Lucy on 09/17/2006 13:44:08

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
I'm not at all worked up. You're reading way more into my post--it wasn't directed toward you--just that one statement that this issue is argued by intelligent people who are dealing in facts. You said there were no facts. Over and out.
I know many people--several of whom are my very dear friends--who are conservatives. So, believe me, I would never think of attacking you.

Found this on

Published on Thursday, September 14, 2006 by the Waco Tribune-Herald (Texas)
Ah, Those Conspiracy Theories
by John Young

The nation’s foremost 9/11 conspiracy theorist was on “Meet the Press” Sunday. And we all thought conspiracy theorists got no face time in mainstream media.

Well, it helps when you are vice president of the United States.

That would be Dick Cheney. Next possibly to Fox News, he’s the chief agent behind the belief held by so many, including many in our fighting forces, that we attacked Iraq because it had something to do with 9/11.

Months after President Bush said that it wasn’t so, a Senate Intelligence Committee report said it again last week. Saddam Hussein not only detested al-Qaida but apparently tried to capture Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Pressed about this by NBC’s Tim Russert, Cheney said he hadn’t read the report. That’s amazing. Then again, it’s not.

When I mentioned 9/11 conspiracy theorists, you thought first about people who believe that the U.S. government was behind 9/11 or did nothing to prevent it.

These individuals are dismissed as kooks and crazies. But those who send young men and women off to war based on politically calculated leaps of reasoning get treated with deference and motorcades.

Time magazine had a story last week titled “Why the 9/11 conspiracies won’t go away.”

It wasn’t talking about Bush-Cheney’s explanations for going to war. It was talking about those who believe our government might have brought down the Twin Towers.

Time didn’t really say why those theories won’t go away. But a set of polls helped.

Stunningly, a Scripps-Howard Poll recently found that 36 percent of Americans —yes, more than one in three — don’t believe the established accounts of what happened on 9/11.

What else don’t they believe?

For one, a Time poll found that 54 percent believe the U.S. role in Iraq is “hurting, not helping” the “war on terrorism.” Implied: At least that many Americans don’t equate Iraq and the war on terrorism at all.

Fifty-three percent don’t believe Saddam had any connection to 9/11. This is in sobering contrast to a Zogby Poll that found as many as 85 percent of U.S. troops in Iraq in February said the U.S. mission is mainly “to retaliate for Saddam’s role in the 9/11 attacks.”

Seventy-seven percent of those troops said they believe a major reason for the war was “to stop Saddam from protecting al-Qaida in Iraq.”

Like our vice president, they haven’t read the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee report, either.

All said, it should surprise no one to see the level-orange polling numbers showing distrust in our government.

Sunday, Cheney told Russert that the fact that no Americans have been killed on the homeland since 9/11 should “give some credence to the notion that maybe somebody did something right.”

That might be so, relative to the homeland. But many Americans would point out that the invasion of Iraq has resulted in almost as many American deaths as happened on Sept. 11, 2001, and made the Middle East far less stable than before.

This puts a gruesome twist on the throw-away line that “we’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.” What’s happened is that young Americans have died there to justify old men’s conspiracy theories.


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