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Hilo Divers Dive Group
OK, How about this poor guy (found in a broken bottle during the cleanup). Anybody know his name?
Aloha, Carey

Is it a humuhumunukunukuapuaa?

That's what I thought it wasawasawasawasawas.
Is there anyway of viewing the dive photos other than Yahoo? I've had two very bad experiences with Yahoo and don't like to register just to look at photos.


What goes around comes around!

Royall, I just found out HOW to post pictures today....How do you post yours? Never belonged to yahoo, of course Jim does, but he is the comp. nerd & I am the techno phob. I am getting more used to this thing that can eat all of your homework, and not even leave a shred of evidence (Who me, bitter about one little 20 pg. learning experience?)
So how does one post pictures on other formats, and what are the other formats, and this is now another forum!
Aloha, Carey

Carey I use shutterfly but there must be easier hosting site than it. Maybe others will chime in. Shutterfly is real clunky to use and I'm too lazy to upload all those photos again! Smile


What goes around comes around!

Royall and all.... we are waiting for Andrew to get the Hilo Dive Club web page up and running. As soon as he does we should be able to convince him to put a place for us to post photos..... we're getting there!

All the impromptu dives we have tried to set up have fallen apart for me... buddies sick, hurt, gear problems. It's tough getting into the routine but in another month I think there will be more divers in the water... and yes, I am one of those nasty hunters that thinks catching and eating a lobster or two is a good idea.... so look for me to be out there catching dinner eventually Smile


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Carey - is that thing alive in the picture? What the heck is it?!


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

Royall here are some pictures from another site of the dive, really easy to view, so you don't have to do the Yahoo thing. Perhaps you have seen these I don't know, but Andrew and Hazen did this pictures I think. I tried to get into the yahoo thing also and have trouble. Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
It is a Common Box Crab, Calappa lophus, alive, slightly miffed. The tweo blades in front are his claws that pull together fro the front of the "box", his mouth & gills are the yellow striped area that is just behind, and protected by, the claws. These are 'winged box' crabs, as their legs are protected by the side wings. All & all, a nice protection, but still a broken bottle was not the most homey place to leave, so he was returned to the same area with a ledge...hopefully better...home. Oh, The cleanup dive was in no more than 10', so snorkelers can see all of the critters, including some that were listed as rare in the Hawaiian Islands!
Aloha, Carey
Aloha, Carey

Funny, I looked again and am trying to "imagine" him 'cause if you didn't see him up close in person, he looks like a big flattened smiley face! I can see where you say his claws are...I guess I expected more legs showing for a wonderful that you could put him in a more pleasant atmosphere.

I was in the store today here in Arizona and saw little celo-packages of jumping I watched them twitch I felt so bad that there were little worms trapped in there that would never get the chance to be free LOL!! Sick, huh?


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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