03-20-2019, 07:59 AM
Copy of letter sent to District 4 rep, Ashley Kierkewitz:
I live in HPP, and recently received notice of proposed increase in property taxes for next year.
My understanding is that these numbers were formulated prior to the Ainaloa eruption and the devastating property losses which followed.
I have been advised by several Real Estate professionals that sales of homes in Puna are fetching lower prices since the eruption, yet the County is seeking to raise taxes based on a fiction of increased property values.
Please take this matter under advisement and let the public know where you stand on this increased assessment. It seems that the increase in taxes is designed to cover the income shortfall which would otherwise reduce the Mayor's spendable income. To perpetuate the fiction of increased home values is disingenuous at the least, and possibly fraudulent in its intent.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I await your reply
I live in HPP, and recently received notice of proposed increase in property taxes for next year.
My understanding is that these numbers were formulated prior to the Ainaloa eruption and the devastating property losses which followed.
I have been advised by several Real Estate professionals that sales of homes in Puna are fetching lower prices since the eruption, yet the County is seeking to raise taxes based on a fiction of increased property values.
Please take this matter under advisement and let the public know where you stand on this increased assessment. It seems that the increase in taxes is designed to cover the income shortfall which would otherwise reduce the Mayor's spendable income. To perpetuate the fiction of increased home values is disingenuous at the least, and possibly fraudulent in its intent.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I await your reply