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HPP Thieves Working Memorial Day
Blue/gray BMW 325Xi
4 Door

8:45 AM, Monday, May 27
Woman driving, man dressed in dark pants, heavy hoodie
Last seen lower HPP, Kaloli Point area trying to break into multiple cars

Police report filed
More later

(Edited Mercedes to BMW)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Just a normal day for those people.
I'd be looking for another car too if my only ride was a Mercedes.
I saw a Lamborghini parked on the side of the road in Reno.

The license plate frame said:

"My other car is also a Lamborghini"
Might be a stolen car.The license plate # is clean-no tickets.
Here are the details of my encounter this morning.

As I returned from a hike, a thief holding a gas can, siphon tubes, and b&e implements was trying to see through my tinted windows. Guess he was hoping for a twofer, gas +. I called out “nothing in there, beat it” and he slowly walked away. He returned to his car and got in the passenger side. As I drove away I stopped behind his car and took a picture of the license plate & model info. Then I pulled up next to the car and tried for a picture of the thief and his girlfriend, the getaway driver. He leaned forward in the seat, face down, she looked away and covered her face. After 30 seconds the woman glanced over for a moment so I was able to get her photo.

I called the police and they took a report. Here’s some additional information along with the officer’s comments:

* The thief wore black shiny long pants, a heavy black hoodie, a baseball hat under the hoodie & dark gloves. He looked like a cat burglar, but at 8:45 in the morning. The officer said that’s a standard MO, they try and cover up as much as possible and won’t look at you so it’s difficult for you to identify them. You can’t see tattoos, their face, and the gloves leave no fingerprints on your vehicle.
* After I gave the officer the info, he typed it into his computer, and within seconds he pulled up a picture of a woman and asked “is that her?” It was. He smiled and said he knew exactly who they were and alerted the other Puna patrolman. He seemed fairly confident they’d be off the street in a matter of days, and sounded like he meant it.
So much for the thief dressing like it’s 40 degrees outside, sweating in the hot sun, while his girlfriend wears a tank top.

* The officer said in general this type of thief is a coward, and scared, so usually will run away. But he also cautioned that drugs could make his behavior unpredictable so it’s best not to engage.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I doubt the following is related but was driving into Hilo and saw four police cars chase a what I think was a tan-colored sedan south on Hwy-11 at around 5:20 pm today. Not something you see every day. Does anyone know more?
Good job HOTPE! That was a brave and honorable move. Your actions might result in the locking up of another couple worthless car thieves.
Yes, good job, HOTPE. Thievery can decline if more people react to slow/stop it or condemn it.
Well done! Were her initials HM ?

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