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TMT construction begins Monday 15 July
On the topic of ignorance, at least there's free education available up there (along with food, water, shelter, basic medical care, recycling, etc...)
If the number of people I see in this home made, just live steamed, video from Waikiki are any indication of how many Hawaiians are standing in support of those on Mauna Kea, I suspect HOTPE may to have to revise his numbers.

This sure looks like an uprising to me. Peaceful, but god help the governor if he can't figure out what is pono.

What a wonderful moment.
Originally posted by ironyak

On the topic of ignorance, at least there's free education available up there (along with food, water, shelter, basic medical care, recycling, etc...)

Trucked in from Hilo and beyond. Come on...

Originally posted by glinda

This sure looks like an uprising to me. Peaceful, but god help the governor if he can't figure out what is pono.

What a wonderful moment.

Looks kinda silly to me. And pono is what exactly? Telling this extreme minority that there will be no TMT?

It is an embarrassing moment and your sanctimonious posts are too.

knieft - Trucked in from Hilo and beyond. Come on...

Where else is the food, water, medical supplies, etc going to come from? Manna from heaven is a colonizer Christian notion Wink

In truth, I'm not sure what your argument is here. From all accounts, the organization for the event is hard to fault (especially in comparison to how law enforcement was severely ill prepared and the protectors have helped to feed them as well)
Originally posted by ironyak

knieft - Trucked in from Hilo and beyond. Come on...

Where else is the food, water, medical supplies, etc going to come from? Manna from heaven is a colonizer Christian notion Wink

In truth, I'm not sure what your argument is here. From all accounts, the organization for the event is hard to fault (especially in comparison to how law enforcement was severely ill prepared and the protectors have helped to feed them as well)

Point being, it’s not like the protestors created these things without total dependence on the dreaded western civilization.

How many bottles of plastic water have been consumed? Tangent, but still...

I agree so far so good. Just wondering how all this enabling is going lead to a positive outcome.

Curious what you mean by law enforcement being severely ill prepared? Should they have taken some other action besides following any directions given by the protestors?

What should the law enforcement have done to show they were prepared?

Your question to Kaimana, “I have to ask while you're here, is there any compromise possible, any arrangements made, that from your perspective would lead to an agreement by the protectors to the construction of the TMT?” is essential.

I look forward to some sort of reasonable answer.


@knieft - from multiple sources, the law enforcement personnel on duty have not been well provided for in terms of food, water, & accommodations. So Hawaii, being Hawaii, the protectors have helped make sure everyone is taken care of. Again, given the state's handling of the situation, and many similar instances during the lava flow, this lack of organization and foresight doesn't surprise me, although it does highlight how the local dynamics involved are pretty unique.

What else could the state have done to be prepared? It appears just about anything really (it's not like the protests were a surprise tactic no one predicted). Again, it's unclear the state has the will to support this project. Waffle, delay, and then let TMT walk away so it wasn't the state's decision... Anything to displace blame and avoid responsibility seems to be the standard MO.

As for plastic water bottles, they are are the Do Not Donate list, while refills of 5 gallon water containers are being done regularly. Just saying...
Fair enough.


"@knieft - from multiple sources, the law enforcement personnel on duty have not been well provided for in terms of food, water, & accommodations."

I'm curious, what are these multiple sources?
Ironyak's post

"What else could the state have done to be prepared? It appears just about anything really (it's not like the protests were a surprise tactic no one predicted). Again, it's unclear the state has the will to support this project. Waffle, delay, and then let TMT walk away so it wasn't the state's decision... Anything to displace blame and avoid responsibility seems to be the standard MO."

Seeb's post

"It’s not a state, it’s every politician, agency and group with their hand out.
They don’t want to build anything- they just want to milk the cash cow of the moment. Like the railroad to nowhere.
The police and every county/state employee will get a pile of overtime.
Emergency Proclamation means money can leak without oversight. They will probably dip into the money supposed to go for lava recovery.
Contractors get payed contingency without having to do anything.
I’m the end TMT will go to the Canary Islands and the politicians will pat themselves on the back about the good job they did."

Why can't the rest of you see this?????? I am not anti TMT but am definitely Pro Hawaiian Sovereignty rights when it comes to Crown land. The ONLY way TMT will be built is to diminish the role of our self serving State Government and allow the Kapuna and the scientific community , who "gets it" to negotiate one on one. I sincerely believe there could be a resolution.
I am so over this government with their disgusting handling of the inter Island ferry the rail on Oahu, the recovery funds that Puna will never see, The Kealoha abuse of power, Hawaiian Homes land in Kapolei not going to the Hawaiians, the Hawaiian Homes subdivision in Puna left uninhabitable ...on and on and on.

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