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Who's responsible here?
What other group...

rainyjim has some pretty good ideas; the closely-related issue is "anyone who decides the rules must not matter all that much".

A "typical" Puna resident in an unpermitted shack is a good example -- but nothing new, already ignored because the loss of property taxes is barely a rounding error in the County budget. What happens if someone breaks ground on a major resort addition, or a boat launch, or similar? I would have believed this impossible, or at least highly unlikely, but that was before...

Seems like County can only do one thing at a time. We're not hearing about the homeless encampment in downtown Hilo because of the protestors; we're not hearing about the protestors because of the hurricanes.

I was also saddened to realize that Ige didn't extend the TMT construction deadline beyond the end of his term.
A "pirate" radio station with that range (5mi) may actually be within the FCC rules and regulations of part15 and not likely to garner much attention from the feds.
Originally posted by rainyjim

PSA: snorkel has never participated in a discussion here; he’s just a ‘hit and run’ poster that calls you racist and then gets out fast (kind of like bananahead with native plants); point being there is no constructive conversation to be had by responding to him - end PSA.


That's quite a stretch Jim; I've contributed to this thread twice as much as you so far (4/2). I guess it's not a "discussion" because you choose to attack my good character and split. I admit that while my character may be up for debate; my good looks remain unchallenged.
[quote]Originally posted by Obie

I have been called an Effing haole more times than you can imagine.


Why am I not surprised?
The 1st time was in 1973 when I was setting off fireworks in my yard on the 4th of July and I was living on Oahu.
within the FCC rules and regulations of part15

I don't think an omnidirectional FM transmission could reach 5 miles at the 100mW ERP allowed by Part 15. I doubt their transmitter is less than 2W and my guess is that it's more like 5W.

I don't think an omnidirectional FM transmission could reach 5 miles at the 100mW ERP allowed by Part 15. I doubt their transmitter is less than 2W and my guess is that it's more like 5W.

my math shows at least a 20db margin at 5 miles. thats well within .5uV sensitivity of the average car radio nowadays. shave off some loss for coax, connectors, crappy antenna etc.. 5 miles.
"Who's responsible here" good title for a thread on may levels!
I think the ultimate responsibility lies with our elected officials.
How nice it would be if our State elected officials (Fed. level) would come home and provide leadership. But they can't . Uphold State Supreme court ruling vs going against their party's current political platform?
They have had weeks to interact and choose not to. Our State officials ( State level) Ige blew it, Green let his position be known...time to punt to Harry as the rest of our State leadership is unwilling to get involved. Politics rule, positions are hard to come by and no one is willing to fall on his/her own Political sword.

We have our State Government, (Supreme court, Gov. office, DHHL , down to the 1st Leaseholder, our State University pretty much hanging our 2nd leaseholders out to dry. Whether or not TMT stays (I'm thinking that they most likely will not as they can decipher the language of politics ) what is going to happen to our existing Astronomers ?
Who has the political moxie to at least stand up for them?

And will this be the end of Hawaiians demanding more say in the stewardship of Ceded lands that are currently "held in Trust" for them?
what is going to happen to our existing Astronomers ?

They can just go back where they came from.
The frequency they are broadcasting on is the same a Maui Hawaiian music station.

Are they trying to jam it ?

You can listen KPOA when you drive over saddle road or anytime you can see Maui.

Now you will hear propaganda for a few miles.

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