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or if you prefer louver windows...
Where to buy? Anyone know where to get them besides Ace? I know HD sells the vinyl type but not looking for those. Looking for the old style aluminum type.
Thanks! Oh and planning on installing myself.
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I don't think that these are very secure. I recall that the aluminum braces that held the louvered pieces were easily bent. Okay if you locked yourself out, but easy for a burgular to get past. I recall that my parents had these in Honolulu which they replaced with the hand crank-type windows. These were the ones with the glass louvers, maybe not the type you're looking for.
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Last year HD did sell the hardware and glass for the non vinyl type. They were located at the rear of the door/window area, almost straight back from the desk. Ask one of the window/door people if you can't fid them.
Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
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Les, I guess after the thief cuts the screen and slides out the windows then he'll have to get past a few dogs...
I'll look at HD again, thanks!
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I had jalousie windows growing up in Florida. If you aren't trying to use AC they are great. Terrible with AC. I will consider them when I build in Hawaii. The security issue is not an issue. Any house is easy to break into. Alarms, dogs and good neighbors are the only deterrence. A true burglar resistant house wouldn't be any fun to live in.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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The place to go is them for address....935-5485. Tell them the size of opening and some other details and they will fix you up....very reasonable!
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We were looking at Jalousie windows, but the fires at Waikola a couple of years ago changed our minds. Residents with jalousie windows had more smoke damage, as the windows can not shut out the smoke. We opted for awning windows, same opening type (but need more clearance on the outdside for full open) but the awnings windows close tight. (Although not as common as on the Kona side, there have been a couple of major wild fires in Puna, and the smoke damage can do a number on most of the things you own, even if the fire never gets to you house.)
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That's what my parents replaced their jalousies with, the awning type. They seal up better. Back in the hanabata days in Honolulu, when those trucks would putt-putt up and down the streets at night spraying clouds of pesticide (DDT? mosquito abatement?), you could see it pour in past the closed jalousies. I bet smoke would move through the same.
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We have a set of awning windows in our bedroom. The screens are on the inside so the bugs are not a problem. The main reason we have the awnings it the lack of eves over those windows as they are set in a bay configuration. The plans called for slider window but the rain would just blow in when it came down.
What goes around comes around!
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Buzz, you can get awning that do open all the way, most of ours do not (they are close to walkways so we decided to limit the opening swing, but we do have a few that open all the way (they are not as tall as the main windows, so we don't anticipate that they would have a great 'sail' factor that the larger windows would have with wind)