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Uncle Robert's closing?
This is not new, a post on past closing, same tune:
other drivers on the road who are impaired

It's possible for drivers to become impaired with legal over-the-counter drugs, just as it's possible for drivers to consume illegal drugs (sometimes even while driving, I see it all the time) and remain unimpaired.

Don't blame the drugs. Test for impairment. While you're at it, let's have a meaninful public transit system so nobody has to drive impaired in the first place.

Unfortunately, impaired driving is a huge source of revenue for government, so there's a perverse incentive to allow it anyway. Today's cars are safe enough that people usually don't die, right?
Test for impairment. While you're at it, let's have a meaninful public transit system so nobody has to drive impaired in the first place.

We’re headed that way right now.
Self driving cars are in test mode. Send driving trucks are already on the highway. In a few years Uber & Lyft will transform into a fleet of driverless vehicles. Anyone arrested while driving an old-timey car under the influence can easily have their drivers license revoked because they’ll be able to get anywhere on Uber; work, school, shopping, doctors. It won’t be a hardship.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
In a few years Uber & Lyft will transform into a fleet of driverless vehicles.

Irrelevant unless/until they also develop a lifted 4x4 version that can navigate the vast network of unimproved "privately owned" roads.

they did this a few yrs back as well... to wake idiots up...

it will self 'fix itself' suggestion, maybe they can lower the 'donation price' of their beers... or actually get a liquor license... or just go back to selling awa only...
hey, maybe a haole or three could protest this?? hmm.... lol

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
'donation price' of their beers...

Cash. Not income. Tax free.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by TomK

"If you want to look at an in-depth reason as to why any drug, including heroin, should not be illegal, watch The Wire."

The Wire was a TV show, an excellent one I'll grant you, but that's all it was. Basing real life on a TV show tends to carry little weight and if it did we'd probably all be living in some sort of utopia like Star Trek portrays. I'm OK with making marijuana legal and treating it just like alcohol, but I have a very hard time picturing a successful community where meth or heroin is acceptable, let alone legal.

Did you actually ever watch The Wire? because if you had, you'd realize it's about drug crime in baltimore, made by a former baltimore cop and baltimore reporter, based off of actual baltimore stories that really happened.

You'd also know The Wire is the only TV show that exists that's studied at Johns Hopkins. The scenario I brought up where drugs were legalized, that ACTUALLY happened. that wasn't a tv show. Crime, in a month, actually went down by 4% district wide. that has never happened before in the history of Baltimore.

I usually don't engage with you because typically you're smarter than me, more educated, so you are usually right. Here, you're completely ignorant. The cost to the police department to chase after communities calling to complain about drug usage and selling, it disallows them from doing real work. It changes the entire paradigm of what they do from cop, to drug soldier.

The neighborhood turns into occupied territory. Then, good luck to the cops to get any kind of informants, when the informants are the enemy. This is an eternal cycle that happens world-wide. The communities that complain? they vote. They complain. The Mayor gets worried, or pissed, and he makes it known to the police department, make a bunch of arrests, or you're fired. So they go out and arrest a bunch of people who actually mostly have jobs, arresting them over a few vials of heroin.

The game is rigged, everyone loses, on every strata of society going all the way to the bottom and the top. You have this weird conservative fantasy bubble that legalizing heroin and meth will make everyone start using it in mass amounts and we're so screwed. In reality, how the **** can you have any sort of outreach programs and really help those people so long as its illegal? Same with prostitution, how can we possibly help those girls so long as it's illegal? It's inhumane, ignorant, and gross. The stuff that happens on the street, DUE TO ITS ILLEGAL STATUS, is so goddamned gross.

If you actually left your ivory tower and looked at the way people live on the streets, the way addicts are treated less than garbage, because hey, you can throw garbage away. Can't throw a junkie in the dumpster. you'd see that people are getting typhus, medieval diseases, because they are living too close to human piles of ****. You'd see that the drug trade uses kids to do all the selling and handling of the product, because they can't catch a full charge like adults can.

all of that ****ing filth could be cleansed, and some of it would actually stop, like hiring goddamned kids to be drug dealers, the moment drugs were legalized.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
Yes, I have watched the Wire, that's why I said it was excellent, and please stop putting words in my mouth or telling me what I think.
According to a Facebook post, it looks like they’re opening back up September 4th!
they’re opening back

One of the problems Uncle Robert's planned to address was the younger late night Wednesday crowd.

The main bands and somewhat older crowd stay until 9:30 PM.
Up until that time, a younger group milled about and drank beer (etc) on the road, sometimes to excess.
At 9:30 after the stage was cleared, Uncle Robert's allowed a younger band the opportunity to play a short set - - and those on the road rushed inside to listen, and sometimes created a disturbance. We'll see what changes might address the issue.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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