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Which I believe means to not act with kindness, love and empathy. Some of the threats and outright hateful from
some against the TMT:
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Not discounting the hate and ignorance. I am a TMT supporter, however in fairness, one could peruse TMT related comments online at the Herald Tribune site with some TMT supporters' - who are also anti-protestors - posts being just as bad.
Mike in HPP
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I'd agree with that. There is also one particularly nasty commentator on the Trib who calls himself ***** ******* and continuously tries to promote violence.
I'd be more than happy to post a link pointing out similar comments from pro-TMT people, but don't know of such a compilation.
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What both sides have in common is their anger with Ige and Kim. They call them names and insult them in other ways. That's because they can't decide what to do. Either side with the protesters and call for the TMT to be cancelled or clear the protesters off the road and let construction begin.
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No not some, all. Preventing people from getting to work or making it difficult for them to maintain equipment is an act of aggression and destruction as well as disrespecting the supreme court and the international scientific community. Zero sympathy from me, there is nothing logical or honorous about this protest whatsoever. That's coming from me who sailed on a Greenpeace ship in my youth and we were picked from thousands of applicants who wanted on the ships.
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Ikaika Marzo outed one of the "kia'i" on Mauna Kea stealing from a vendor at Uncle Roberts night market. It was late this Wednesday, the vendor was breaking down his t-shirt booth, and the jerk just walks up and steals a few boxes. Fortunately lots of security cameras caught it.
Shows you what kind of people are milling about up there...
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Gov Ige and other's press conference today about social media comments regarding the TMT:
<skip to around 2 minutes when people start appearing>
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Incredibly tepid response to death threats.
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tepid response to death threats
The governor’s security detail will not require any increase?
It’s almost as if no one at the state level considers death threats from the protestors a serious matter, as if it’s expected protestors will make comments with no intent, no substance, no facts or reality behind their words. Why would that be?
I read that it’s now cost $15 million in state funds for police control of a group the state apparently doesn’t take seriously.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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The governor’s security detail
A couple of years ago my wife and I were sitting in an empty Hawaiian Airlines Pualani lounge in Maui when Gov. Ige walked in and sat right next to me. He didn’t have anyone with him, no security detail, and was as nice and friendly as can be and we had a very nice conversation with him. Times sure have changed!
I personally like Gov. Ige, I voted for him the first time, but not last year. I didn’t see him as a leader after his first term in office. Now that is blatantly obvious.
cost $15 million in state funds for police
Back in July there were at least 5 different locations along Saddle Road where HPD stationed multiple police with a canopy and port-a-potty. Now there’s only one group stationed a few hundreds yards from MK Access Rd with a few police. How is that costing millions of dollars?