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Wearing a colander for DL in Puna
Pretty sure this isn’t a big issue for most PunaWebbers, but I successfully wore a colander on my head when updating my DL a couple weeks ago.

The totally great DMV worker at the Pahoa station made a call and it was confirmed that I could wear it if off the ears and showing my forehead. Since my forehead is pretty large due to balding, and a nice sized frontal cortex Wink, it was up pretty high. Nevertheless, even though I failed to convince the worker that it was funny and stupid (she maintained it was just stupid), my TSA proof DL is in the mail.

This is part of the the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Pastafarians Unite!

Ramen !
I'm gonna noodle it over. My DL needs to be renewed (too) soon.
You have to live with that for eight years you know.

Extra points for a colander tattoo!

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by EightFingers

You have to live with that for eight years you know?

The great worker, amazingly great, mentioned that I should drive always with the colander on in case I get pulled over so as to match my photos. So I got _that_ going for me. Wink

Why not just stick the colander to the top of your car? That way you'll always have it with you and can stick it on top of your head in emergencies or when stopped by the police. You'll also be spreading the message of The Almighty Noodleness wherever you go. And remember, if you get hassled, you can always stick this flag on the back of your vehicle and fly it upside down.
I had to go through all the "Real ID" BS a couple years back, but did not get the terrorist stopping star on my driver's license, so I guess I'll have to go again soon. Maybe it's time to really think about my beliefs, in light of current events...
I successfully wore a colander on my head when updating my DL

You are not allowed to wear a hat for a DL photo unless used for religious purposes. Did you tell them you’re Italian and worship spaghetti?

If true, TSA is going to love you! I hope you like being groped. They’ll probably think you’re wearing a tin foil hat. [8D]
SBH: You are not allowed to wear a hat for a DL photo unless used for religious purposes.

Yes. FSM is a religion.

Groping doesn't sound so bad.


You would look pretty holy. [Big Grin]

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