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new poll shows erosion of support for the TMT
A new poll published in the Star Advertiser says that 50 percent of people statewide support and 63 percent of Native Hawaiians now oppose building the new telescope. Many posters here have cited previous polls to support their arguments that the TMT should be built. I'm curious about whether these recent numbers affect anyone's opinion. Would you still support building the TMT if a majority of people (and this has not happened yet) oppose it? Would you support a referendum on this?

ETA toincorporate randomq's correction. Mea culpa.
Certainty will be the death of us.
You can make a poll say whatever you want by picking who and how you ask
Would you still support building the TMT if a majority of people (and this has not happened yet) oppose it?

Why has support dropped? Perhaps a few more questions should be asked:
* Would you still support the TMT if many of the opponent’s claims can proven false?
* Would you still support the TMT if opponents have broken the law after they insisted the TMT builders follow the letter of the law?
* Would you still support the TMT if many of the opponents made historical cultural and religious claims which can be traced no farther back in time than this year or last year?

I would be curious to see the results of an additional question in the poll.
If you oppose construction of the TMT is it because:
A) I believe the TMT will have a negative physical impact on Mauna Kea
B) I believe the TMT will have a negative cultural and religious impact on Mauna Kea
C) I’m tired of hearing about the protests on the news
D) Security costs for the protest cost taxpayers too much
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Seems like they polled the people on the saddle Rd. And not the 200,000 people who subscribe to their paper.
Kalianna, that's not what the poll said. It said 50% SUPPORT statewide. Only 36% of all polled are opposed. It's right there on your link.

But... I thought polls all lied and we didn't believe them? According to the protesters. Now that's not true?

No, no matter what results, a poll would not change my opinion on the value of the TMT to society and our economy.

ETA: please correct your original post so people aren't confused.
Kalianna do you work for the state or county of Hawaii? I’m seeing some parallels.
I don't believe in polls anymore after they all showed "by a large margin" Hillery Clinton the projected winner against Trump.
polls.. showed "by a large margin" Hillery Clinton the projected winner

Clinton won by a large margin - - 3,000,000 votes.
Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, the three states which gave him an Electoral College victory by 77,744 votes.

The most recent TMT poll was conducted by a legitimate polling organization outside Hawaii, it’s not a click-as-many-times-as-you-want online newspaper poll.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Where did they get their list of “native Hawaiians”? Something tells me it may not be a representative sample.
Did you really misunderstand the results K, or was this wishful thinking?
I know the people on Puna Web are small part of the population of Hawaii but have any of you been poll on the mountain?


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