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Ninole Progress
David, totally awesome! (Oh, remind Royall about his un-tethered beam walks! I guess he has forgotten that he put those on film)
Are you using wood or metal joists? (they look like wood)
Aloha, Carey


Untethered beam walking - YIKES.

Our visible beams vary from a slim 4"x12" to a more robust 6"X16" - all wood - held together with a fortune of simpson strong ties.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Box 1 has a roof!!!!!!!

Thanks in part to labor contribution from Carey's Jim.

See pics:


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Hi David,

I was the one that brought up buying a container and keeping it as a storage shed. Right now it's little more than idle curiosity. You certainly transformed yours!

This project of yours is really amazing. I am in awe!


Thanks Wayne

The container will take on another transformation near the end of the project, making it a bit more "homey".


PS - Box 4 is almost roofed Smile

Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
It is so amazing to be able to watch this...and now you have the roof on! Very well done, David!


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Man, that house(s) looks so solid! just can't get over that view, NICE!

Good morning David,

I think I better work harder or you’ll be in your house before me! It is amazing how fast that building system goes! I still want to get up that way but the timing is never good.

I just love the view you have. I can understand why you never wanted to bring any power poles across your property.

Have a great day and say hi to Sophie for us.

PS hope you guys can make it to Wyatt’s Punatic party.


What goes around comes around!


Or, more importantly, Boxes 1-2-3 and 4 and the tractor/utility shed ALL have roofs (rooves?) - 8495 sf of panels - golly, no wonder my body aches!!!!!!!!!!! Still a lot to do, more screws, foam, flash bang tape, ridgecaps, trims, gutters... whew.

But I am taking this afternoon/weekend "off" so to get caught up with non building chores.

Thanks for all the encouragement and comments. I do like this building system and would discuss with anyone interested. We hope we see some folks up this way- especially at beer time Smile

We are hoping to make next Punatic adventure at Wyatt's, just a tad too early to commit.

Up to date pics around page 24:


Ninole Resident

Edited by - David M on 09/15/2006 14:28:28
Ninole Resident
OK, been awhile since I've posted - wouldn't want anyone to think I'm still slacking off since last post.

Been learning a new "skill" Construction of non load bearing walls using light gauge steel framing. I'm really growing to like it. So far I've done the 6 inch plumbing walls - approx 44 linear feet ranging from 8-12 ft height.

Have layed out and started the 4 inch partitions and hope to have them cut & screwed together by Wed.

Built the pony wall for kitchen. This involved making fiberboard cut outs to represent the cabinets and appliances in order to judge size/spacing/alignment. The counter will be curved (sorta) and 2 levels - working height on kitchen side / bar height on livingroom side. I am really pleased with my design so far.

Ordered Milgard windows, which will be delivered this Tues. The tempered glass and jalousies are special order and will be a few weeks. HPM beat out HD on price, availability, and free delivery.

HD was best deal I found on garage doors (Martin). Site visit was last Tues and I'm awaiting word on installation date.

HD also won out on doors (sliding patio/French patio/exterior steel prehung), which I ordered today and expect delivery on the instock items this week or next. 3 outswing French had to be special ordered.

All the ProTEC panels have been screwed at 8" intervals around perimeter, inside and out. Simpson ties are being bolted to the 4X and 6X wooden posts and beams.

Fingers are crossed that the plumber and electrician arrive to complete rough-ins in a timely manner and I can pass framing inspection before Thanksgiving.

Latest pix update:


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident

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