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Recycling Alternatives??
tada you are living the sustainable dream. I make plenty dirty paper too, if you need some extra for cook one family dinner or something.
Wow, SO NICE to hear Puna Plastics will be doing some recycling! Do you know if plastic bags will be taken?#129300;
My mom told me about creative ways to use newspaper. But she didn't have a choice growing up on the sugar plantation. More ideas even I find ratty. But I have more ideas but need to express more tactfully.
Newspapers? Kinda retro when you can get the newspaper online...?

Can’t imagine that the number of electrons destroyed compares to the number of trees, but, who knows, maybe the number crunchers can convince me that the electricity usage to peruse the news from a website is worse than buying a newspaper.

A HUGE amount of electricity is used by the internet...

They didn't mention anything about plastic bags, descodave but I'll bring them along just in case and will post the answer next weekend. Now I have to dig out all the plastic I just put in with the trash. Fun fun.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Thanks “Kalianna”, appreciate it!
I went to the recycling event at Shipman Park today and yes, they took plastics 1,2,4 and 5 clean and with lids. No plastic bags unfortunately. I was impressed with the research they had done and they seemed wise in the ways of the island. NOT hippie dippies with big dreams and no street smarts. To be informed of future events join their Facebook group, Puna_Precious_Plastics and for us non-Facebook members they will continue to post on Hawaii Tracker. No date set for next pickup (they wanted to see how today went) but save that plastic--it's coming.

ETA: correct Facebook group name
Certainty will be the death of us.

Thank you for previous post re plastics pickup at Shipman yesterday.

Hope that they are able to continue.
Yes, thanks for the update, Kalianna!

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