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sulfur odor this morning in HPP
Anyone else notice a strong smell of sulfur this morning in HPP? Do we know where it might be coming from?
It's strong up in Hawaiian Acres again too...
Smelling fumes especially at night has been a regular occurrence on hwy 137 especially around Kehena area as Pele settles after her historically massive flow. Volcanologists say to expect it for a few years more. I haven't smelled it lately perhaps the winds have changed and it's going towards your direction at the moment giving us a reprieve. Maybe coincidence the fumes seem to have increased since geothermal started drilling again.
Winds out of the South all night + cooler air hugging the ground in the morning = just a reminder that an active volcanic rift is still there...
Webcam of the fissures in Leilani. You can see emissions and yes the wind is blowing that stuff toward HPP.

Notice that PGV's drill rig isn't emitting anything .
Obie. Thanks for posting the webcam. My house is on that Kipuka. Now I can keep an eye on things. Lol
oh wow, they got the camera back up. thats just alien from what it once was.
So the fumes are coming from Fissure 8 area? or from Pu'u O'o? Is there clarification of which source? Mahalo! It was very strong in OCLA last evening.
Hi Amarita,
All fisures are still emitting gasses. Different ones at diff times. The lrez is still actively refilling for the next flow in 20 yrs, hoping.



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