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HPP BIZ: Part the third

Stillwater, did a board of directors approve final payment for the paving on 1st Road at a board of director's meeting? Since when is it legal for a director and a general manager to take full control of a subdivision and its money? The general manager's entrenched in this coup. Why would the general manager think he's entitled to put liens on any property when he himself is acting illegally? I would conclude as many others have that their coup is a hostile, negative and harmful event for property owners in HPP and those involved are hostile to the Association. Anyone with half a brain can also conclude that this puts the property owners' money at high risk. No board oversight and until then no road fee money from this property owner.

Leo silly girl you have no idea the answers to your own questions and still insinuate with no proof ? You seem to be working with what if or the could be factors I’m not telling you to pay your dues Im saying I’m paying mine instead of having a legal lien attached to my property. Terribly sorry I wont jump on board with the very few that keep the negative energy alive within our community . Working together without the animosity would accomplish leaps and bounds over that what you’re engaging in .
It's almost as if HPP actually prefers the lack of accountability.
It's almost as if HPP actually prefers the lack of accountability.

Neighbors, its your decision whether you trust a rogue director and general manager with your money after they threw a coup and filed a lawsuit against HPPOA. That is fact Stillwater. Liens? The general manager has no legal power to issue or enforce liens when he has acted against the property owners in a coup. Stillwater will say whatever she has to protect her cronies who've made a real mess of things. They could be held directly responsible if people don't pay their road fees due to their illegal actions. I stand by my protest and won't pay my road fees until there is a board overseeing HPPOA. Enough of this BS.
Leo I’d prefer to stay neutral and not attempt to influence others financial options. I simply said I will be making my payment what others do with their financial commitments is Theirs
The coup you speak of is questionable from what I’ve followed the two lawsuits arose at separate times for very separate reasons the only thing I see common is the parties involved. Leo I have no cronies in this dog fight only my 1 acre lot . I’m still not seeing any proof to your allegations why not let the court do the job you are trying to supersede at . I’m paying my dues a lien on my property and this is not a decision the general manager makes its standard billing and accounting you don’t pay you don’t play.

The coup you speak of is questionable from what I’ve followed the two lawsuits arose at separate times for very separate reasons the only thing I see common is the parties involved.

Yes and that means the general manager being involved in both lawsuits is a conflict of interest and should resign. IMO HPP shouldn't pay salary to an employee who's immersed in two HPPOA lawsuits. This is smart business? The general manager filed a lawsuit against a director and he's part of Kawauuhua's lawsuit against HPPOA. The general manager's suit is generating mounting legal costs like Kawauuhua's lawsuit is, that our road fees will have to pay. It's common knowledge after months of observation that these three renegades have complete control of HPP. All those resignations at one time was no coincidence so the whole board had to be in on it. They had to know this wasn't going to be good for HPPOA but their oaths went out the window. Creeley, Kawaahua and the general manager are canceling board of director meetings causing great harm and they're spending our money without board oversight. Two legitimate directors have reported they are being cut out of all HPPOA business. That is a coup Stillwater. In protest I'll open an escrow account and pay up when there's a board in control of HPPOA and not until then.

Sorry Leo The general manager is only named in one of the lawsuits the common faction I was speaking of was the directors you speak of my mistake. The legal costs are could be and what ifs, the general manager is only involved in one lawsuit or was another filed that you know of? The board resignations ...I’ve got another perspective ,
It’s a could be and what if and not a paranoia of wrongdoing but that maybe the common factors was the same as the lawsuits in the directors resignations..
Silly girl it’s a business monies are going to be spent bills have to be paid life goes on even if you or others in your club don’t pay your dues and get liens because you don’t have a say on how many rolls of tp was purchased . After years of observation one of these 2 directors you say have been limited has a documented history of havoc in HPP’s affairs recorded in the minutes I won’t participate in the potty party for the two directors being “ cut out” of business ——-maybe it’s actually for good reason. Where’s your proof Leo I’m still only hearing opinion could be’s and what if’s about your community neighbors
Open your escrow account don’t pay your dues it’s your choice but maybe you should add a little more to it for the administrative costs and cost of the lien above and beyond the cost of the annual dues
Aloha Leo
Many members of HPP are frustrated and have angst over the lack of board meetings since June 2019. Our bylaws mandate board meetings to occur every month. D1 rep's decision to cancel board meetings month after month for several months now is a very serious matter. Last year D7 and I urged D1 to stop cancelling board meetings for the best interests of the Association. We asked him to provide the legal documentation that authorizes him to cancel meetings (now includes membership meetings). Any one who went to the HPP website over the past several months saw that meetings were cancelled due to "judicial ruling". To date we haven't received any legal documentation from D1 that authorizes him to cancel board meetings. The GM is supposed to follow our bylaws as well and he's been posting the illegal cancellations on the website. The GM also is not acknowledging D7's and my role as board directors, which substantiates his support in Kawaauhau's lawsuit against the Association. The GM can't put out liens on any properties w/out board support.

There is board business transpiring without D7 rep's and my knowledge or participation. We have evidence. We are legitimate directors and Crelly is NOT legitimate yet is acting as a director and has anointed himself Secretary. When he resigned on 19 Jun from his then current seat on the board, he also resigned from his secretary seat. His carrying over his officer seat "until a replacement is appointed", as D1 rep has are two different situations. D1 did not resign at any time. Apples and oranges. D1's carry over officer seat is also legally questionable after all these months with no board meetings. An officer can't cancel board meetings to prevent a replacement being appointed.

FACT: The GM IS involved in two lawsuits so Leo is accurate. As many of you know by now, the GM filed a lawsuit against a director back in Feb 2019 that is ongoing. It's not a personal lawsuit so it will cost the Association.

The GM is a strong supporter in Larry Kawaauhau's lawsuit filed against the Association. Proof is in all of Kawaauhau's lawsuit documents. The Association is paying the GM's salary and he's been handling all of HPP's business all these months without a board. Conflict of interest? Leo among others think so and have told me so. Three of the former directors that resigned on 19 Jun 2019, including the GM, attended the 3 Oct court hearing and sat behind the plaintiff.

One of those former directors is currently posting here on PT. Stillwater is perpetuating the false narrative that two directors dominated and obstructed the full board from doing their business. In what universe is this possible? When the board meeting minutes are finally posted, all will see the number of director votes and who voted how. The story floating out in the community is backwards. The majority board was in complete control of HPP from July 2018 to June 2019. There is legal documentation to prove it.
Not following the bylaws could cause HPPOA to lose its non-profit status.

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Mermaid since you seem to be the only official director on punatalk then I assume with your want to be transparent you will answer the questions the”many” are concerned with
Why did the general manager initiate a lawsuit against a director? Could this have been prevented by the former board? Did the former board address it? Was there any other unprofessional behavior by this director or yourself? If so what? If the general manager was to be obsolete who would run the Hpp business? Would you fire all staff? Who in your opinion is an appropriate replacement? Do you support Leo’ s decision to not pay dues and open an escrow account? How is it FACT that the current general manager is involved in 2 lawsuits? Many will appreciate your answers to these questions without them you, like Leo you are sputtering with no proof to your opinions.

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