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Leo like mermaid you’re still sputtering a defense for the unprofessional conduct of an official board director.
An official HPPOA board director that regularly perpetuates negativity and allegations of Theft, rogue behavior, etc. toward the corporation, other board directors, and employees. Yet she doesn’t stop there as a director she publicly publishes that if you don’t pay dues to the corporation that she represents you won’t get a lien on your property for several years and it possibly would be forgiven?? 2 years delinquency of your dues is the fact that a lien will be placed on your property think the interest and cost of the lien will be forgiven? NOPE
If mermaid feels the need to communicate with the membership she should be sharing the results of the independent audit and if she as a director feels the need to make allegations publish the proof! Mermaid swore an oath to the corporation as well as the membership her fiduciary duty is to hold strong to both!
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"it's obvious the resignations were coordinated with the lawsuit. None of them has explained how it was supposed to benefit HPP. "
It was to get rid of you and mermaid !
I believe that would save HPPOA a lot of money.
Why don't you 2 resign ?
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I second the motion obie,all those in favor?
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I don't know who these women think I am. I've owned property in HPP for a long time. I was on a neighborhood board in another state so I recognize an unprofessional board when I see one. A couple of my friends were on the HPP board of directors. One was forced off the board through intimidation because he wouldn't fall in line and another resigned out of disappointment and disgust. They wanted puppets. If you really want to know what's going on in your association, you need to attend meetings. You can cut through the BS and rumors if you see what's going on first hand. How can the president not attend a majority of meetings and function effectively if he doesn't know what's going on first hand? The hate towards the two directors was so blatant you could cut if with a knife. They didn't want to work with the two directors. Anyone in that room could see that. It didn't compute because what I observed were two directors acting professionally and doing what we expect from a director. I respect their back bone and support them. I observed a cocky arrogant general manager who disrespected the same directors. When I was involved on a board this behavior wouldn't be tolerated. It was jaw dropping. He would've been fired. I voted a couple years ago at the members meeting to have him removed. How he's still employed is an important question. Now the same guy is suing a director and still employed? Mind blowing! We have a very serious legal situation that is jeopardizing our properties, our homes and it's clear as day to me that the source of it are the directors who quit, followed it up with a planned lawsuit and have taken HPP hostage. The board director who's suing HPP needs to resign.
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Leo I can see you are putting emotion and The Who likes who into this that unfortunately doesn’t hold any weight on a BOD as you obviously should know. Personal likes or dislikes do not count in decisions a director is to make decisions should be made on what is best for the corporation and the community! Your references of the past seems to continue over to the current position of HPPOA .
You continue to speak of no financials for the membership this too is incorrect any owner may request a copy at anytime from the corporate office ( to do a mail out of this to every lot owner would be a cost of approximately $6000.00 Plus) I would think it could be better spent seeing as any owner could request it at anytime. Also my understanding of the independent audit that was just finalized is also available for all members to view at the corporate office. I see no lack of transparency there. I am still requesting mermaid bring the membership current with those results being she updates on everything but the factual business aspect of HPPOA. Do you consider a board director acting on there own making decisions alone professional character of a director? What you claim to have observed another may observe completely different, as a prior BOD I’m sure you know this, therefore as another member among others we see things differently but the fact still stands that all directors take an oath in favor of the corporation and its membership with a positive attitude for both! What mermaid seems to be publishing for years now seems to be a personal agenda against the corporation , the board of directors, and employees not a director in support of them. HPPOA will not progress with the negativity that is being delivered by an official director how professional do you think that is Leo? Still waiting for Mermaid to give an update on the audit .
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Originally posted by Stillwater
Leo I can see you are putting emotion and The Who likes who into this that unfortunately doesn’t hold any weight on a BOD as you obviously should know. Personal likes or dislikes do not count in decisions a director is to make decisions should be made on what is best for the corporation and the community! Your references of the past seems to continue over to the current position of HPPOA .
You continue to speak of no financials for the membership this too is incorrect any owner may request a copy at anytime from the corporate office ( to do a mail out of this to every lot owner would be a cost of approximately $6000.00 Plus) I would think it could be better spent seeing as any owner could request it at anytime. Also my understanding of the independent audit that was just finalized is also available for all members to view at the corporate office. I see no lack of transparency there. I am still requesting mermaid bring the membership current with those results being she updates on everything but the factual business aspect of HPPOA. Do you consider a board director acting on there own making decisions alone professional character of a director? What you claim to have observed another may observe completely different, as a prior BOD I’m sure you know this, therefore as another member among others we see things differently but the fact still stands that all directors take an oath in favor of the corporation and its membership with a positive attitude for both! What mermaid seems to be publishing for years now seems to be a personal agenda against the corporation , the board of directors, and employees not a director in support of them. HPPOA will not progress with the negativity that is being delivered by an official director how professional do you think that is Leo? Still waiting for Mermaid to give an update on the audit .
You sound like a treasurer making a poor defense of her failures to the lot owners. I looked it up in the HPP Bylaws. It says the treasurer and the board of directors is supposed to provide financials like I used to get at least once every year in the mail. Lot owners don't have to ask. The audit report's only part of the financials lot owners should get. It's logical that people would get suspicious when what they used to be provided every year suddenly stopped. I don't recall getting anything in the mail from the board of directors except a 10% increased road maintenance invoice.
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Silly girl Leo, if I sound like a treasurer to you I would question your board director abilities! You give me a good laugh when all you can do is the attempt to deflect the attention away from mermaid. I’m not a treasurer or a director or a business owner I am retired Obviously as I have the time to be amused by your defense of a director that needs you to speak on her behalf. Leo if you have attended the meetings you should be well aware mermaid likes attention!
Still waiting for the annual independent audit results .... hey Leo “annual index audit”
They cover every penny of income and expense
But you were a board director you know that too
Hahaha happy Valentine’s Day!
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Hey Leo btw the treasurer and bod have ensured that the membership have access to the financials they are at the corporate office per request.. functioning board or not
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What's with the silly girl Leo crap? I didn't say you were an experienced or professional treasurer. You're deflecting that you didn't fulfill your duties as treasurer. What I witnessed was the two directors got negative and divisive attention from you and the other directors. I witnessed your aggressive mannerisms at every meeting I attended and the brow beating you gave the directors to change their mind so they'd give your boyfriend the paving job. I saw you and your company paving the road. Isn't that a problem for a non profit's treasurer to have that conflict of interest?
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Easy there Leo your true colors are showing, there’s no need to get nasty and accuse me of being someone I’m not, but you have proven To have a brilliant imagination or is it paranoia maybe! My point before what you “witnessed “ =observed and interpreted is very different than what others “witnessed “
Which would lead me to wander what wasn’t witnessed ? There very well could be more to the interpretation if we all knew what transpired without an audience present. Again let me remind you there should be no personal emotion involved only a well rounded discussion on what’s appropriate and beneficial to the corporation and the community. Let me be clear I too am not satisfied with HPPOA board of directors current situation but I refuse to be convinced of accusations of theft, rogue behavior , or any illegal activity within the business with absolutely no factual evidence of this!
I refuse to choose to believe a director that speaks of transparency in one breath and wrongdoing in another with no proof of the accusations . Business and friendships are separated for good reason possibly you may need a reminder!!
Still waiting for mermaids update to the membership of the annual independent audit