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trash on Mauna Kea
Originally posted by kalakoa

these agencies are State controlled

No. These agencies are MONEY controlled -- and the less they spend, the more they keep for themselves.

on da kini popo kalakoa...the State controls All money given to these! These State agencies operate like most of our State agencies - Sub par
Just curious about the direction this thread is going. I don't believe the state is leaving trash, abandoned tents and cars at the MK summit access road turnoff. It's a relatively small group of people who are doing so while saying they are protecting the area.
I don't believe the state is leaving trash, abandoned tents and cars

No, the State is merely complicit in allowing "certain people" to leave their trash.

A distinction without a difference.
A relatively small group of TMT supporters held a talk story session recently at the Naniloa in Hilo. A handful of speakers like ( Ishibashi, Ha, Babayan and Stone) took their turns talking about moving forward with this TMT project. Mr Babayan hopes the "climate changes" soon so they can continue on with this project here on MaunaKea. Mr Babayan also thinks that the majority of people in Hawaii will be fine or good with folks getting hurt for protesting this TMT project.

Interesting how these uncles see themselves as law abiding citizens who want the laws to be upheld. When this TMT project was breaking state laws a few years back. These same uncles was breaking ground, moving leaking equipment without proper permits and pushing forward against the laws and their people. Now these uncles think most people in Hawaii will be OK with TMT protesters being hurt and punished for peacefully standing against the TMT project atop Maunakea. They did not want to let other's in the room speak. Yet, they offer no other solutions on how to move forward from here.

PS. You can watch for yourself on Bigislandvideonews.
Yet, they offer no other solutions on how to move forward from here.

Nobody wants a solution. The problem is far more lucrative.
First, guys like Baybayan were not the ones moving equipment. Second, nobody was doing the litany of nefarious things that Dreamcatcher88 has listed. The TMT folks have dotted every I and crossed every T. I guess it is a debating style to say misleading stuff though...

The people who have been protesting the TMT have been hurting the majority of the people in Hawaii. What goes around comes around. When the hurt comes it won't be for peaceful protest. It will be for a consistent pattern of breaking the law.
But TMT opponents say the social media posts and calls to lawmakers are effort to discredit and undermine the kiai, those who consider themselves protectors of Mauna Kea.” That's just their tactic and we think it's pretty low, but they've been doing this since we took our stand," said Noe Noe Wong-Wilson, a spokesperson for the kiai.

Discredit? Undermine? Pretty low?
The people who claim a nuclear powered laser armed military (but in reality zero emissions) TMT would pollute the mauna - - now object when people post actual, verified photos of garbage strewn across the mountain. Garbage created by the people who call themselves kiai but photographic evidence proves they are the exact opposite.

Take some personal responsibility for your actions, “Unprotectors.” Blaming everyone else for the problems you’ve created has become an addiction.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
DC88, when it comes down to it, the cops will ask the protesters to get out of the road. If they follow a lawful order, no one gets hurt.

If they don't move, and the cops arrest them, and they go (or are carried) peacefully to the police car, no one get hurt.

If they resist arrest, pull or push or fight the officers, they might get slightly hurt. If they do, that is their own fault as adults.

Please educate yourself, and come back when you have something honest to say.
the cops will ask the protesters to get out of the road

Politely, as in "pretty please with sugar on top", after which the cops will step aside if none of the protestors feel the need to obey the law.

I still say give them "their" road, and build another road on State-owned land. When it's finished, put up a mile of guard rail on either end of "their" road so that none of the protestors can accidentally wander into the highway. For their own safety.
"If they don't move, and the cops arrest them, and they go (or are carried) peacefully to the police car, no one get hurt."

You just need to add one more thing to that based on what happened during last year's arrests. After the arrest, you're given a ride a few hundred yards away, given the option of going to jail in Hilo or being released on the spot if you agree to be given a citation. Once released, you are free to go back and block the road.

This isn't made up, this is what actually happened.

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