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HPP BIZ: Part the third
This is scary to me. I am not sure what I have moved into. I have been going back for several of these messages. Since it appears mermaid is a Board member I would like to ask you what has your part been in getting the roads taken care of since I believe the board is for the road corporation. If I am wrong please enlighten me. Also, as a board member, what is your take on the recent audit?
I am not sure what I have moved into.

I thought "mandatory disclosure" included private roads, CC&Rs and the HOA? Serious question.
HPP no CCR’s no HOA it’s only a road association
Mermaid, you are a bitter, controlling good for nothing troll; you for one have no place in a board, no matter what idiots you managed to have voted for you. People like you are poison to a community.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."


....while the rest of us were truly interested to find REAL SOLUTIONS to the road upkeep issues. ...It should not take so much babbling to address that problem.

So unless this board or any other gets to fix the roads like they should, they need to shut up! and crawl back to their festering personal cave and stay there nice and quiet!

Mermaid, you are a bitter, controlling good for nothing troll

Nothing like a frigging angry hypocrite like you Johnd. and there's lots more where this came from. The irony is the peeps you're ranting about is the same general manager and directors who are suing HPP today. Hilarious!

Johnd Posted - 10/15/2016 : 16:46:30

May I ask a question?

If there is no road maintanence and roads are decaying so much that some owners are fixing them at their own cost, WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU PAYING almost 300 a lot?....

Be nice...
Fill another form...

What about placing the darnned place into recievership?? What about not paying the fee en masse?.

My street better be mowed on both sides when i get there or I personally will drag the manager all the way there and wont let go until is done!

And for the record, it will not be the first time i have done it!


Johnd Posted - 10/16/2016 : 09:37:36

Originally posted by EightFingers

"Are you all going to the HPP member meetings?"

What for? They follow an executive meeting format, they do not speak people's language and they dont give a rat's behind about owner concerns; they never did. Invariably the pres and the rest of the board members are either former bureaucrats, banking sector or the proffessional types who generally talk mumbo jumbo, look down at the rest of us and get nothing done...kind of reminds me of a certain politician...

I would like to know more about who is doing the board member recall. Anyone has contact information please?

Years ago a neighbor said to me that if we did not have this "association" our roads would go to hell. Well they have gone to hell,and we are paying more every year, so it makes no difference. They cozy up with Ilegan the Worthless for their own personal reasons while the subdivision is reverting to jungle. Now they have even added more fees if one is to build in the future. We are paying high fees for the wrong decisions of some that got their roads built at our expense so they could sell and relocate yo the mainland. We are paying increased fees so someone could draw a salary for doing very little and for some to wear a ceremonious little crown once a month, in order to justfy their boring retirement.In short a lot of folks will never have pavement on the streets and that is given to anyone that owns on a dead end road

Personally i would like to see HPP dissolve and put into the hands of a third party. This is in fact valuable real estate with 0 infrastructure, shouldnt we have real visionaries and doers in charge? If i need to buy a 4x4 to get in and out of my home I personally dont owe anyone a road fee.

Other Puna communities are clamoring for a second road like Railroad to open up; great opportunity to have the County take over HPP main roads in exchange for access

Johnd Posted - 10/17/2016 : 11:49:35

What then? How many homeowners attend now? There is a need to form a shadow association with all those homeowners that would agree to work together and take the legal steps to abolish the HPPOA as it stands.That means connecting with the vast majority of homeowners and reach a clear consensous regarding a class action lawsuit agaisnt the HPPOA. A single individual cannot do that alone. The vast majority of owners were dupped with the promise of paved roads and that was a blatant lie. We cannot continue to be saddled with a debt that was incurred under false pretense, with a Board that does not work and a decaying road situation. This is what i call a neverending issue and it makes sense that we ought to end it, specially now since the roads are not even getting proper mantainence.The kiddie's park may be very nice but none of our road fees should go to pay for that as well as any other projects that do not entail roads. Having a court appointed administrator seems to be the best option to get out of this ongoing mess.The fees are not going to get any lower regardless, but at the very least we could have transparency and accountability.


Johnd Posted - 11/23/2016 : 05:16:52

Anyway, I'm not happy with the road situation. My neighbors aren't happy with it. My car's not happy with it. Is anyone happy with it?

I suggest everyone within HPP whose road looks like a roller coaster call HPPOA and make that list very very long. We shouldn't have to go to meetings.

They were talking about the grader 4 years ago like the main cause for inaction, but no talk about the no good lazy butt crew,the very same one we all pay for, that does f***all and whatever it does, is worthless anyway.

If we don't show up, we do not exist. We are in dire need for folks to move their okoles away from the big screen and show up with pitch and forks and remove the board by force if they don't resign, get rid of the management company asap and stop paying for the fees. Yes, it would catapult chaos. The other option is keep on moaning here until our fees keep increasing and we are enveloped by the forest. What would it take for folks to show up, 500 dollars a year fees,1000 a year??

If the roads ARE NOT maintained, then we would have to maintain them ourselves ANYWAY, won't we?. Yes, I know I am barking at the wrong tree... The tree is not even there!


Johnd Posted - 11/24/2016 : 06:07:19

Originally posted by Slowwalker
"Well Johnd I'm not happy with the 2 OLCA's board of directors either. But with keeping in tone of the holiday of Thanksgiving,would you rather live here or on an acre or two in North Dakota? Be thankful for what you got and just put up with HPP directors and road crew like they are mosquitoes that you can do nothing about. Look at the fees you spend on roads like they are mosquito coils or incense that you burn for the dead. We always have lots of hope for change but not much for results."

Oh dear, I got the tofu make-believe turkey leg stuck on my throat with your wimpy and hopeless message. Attentioooon! all together now, push your head a little bit further into the ground. That's right, if we don't see it or hear it, all is good!


I’ve been sitting back reading every word from the beginning of the HPP BIZ Parts 1, 2 and 3. It’s been hard to stay quiet but I’ve managed until now. I’m wondering if anyone is truly interested in trying to resolve the issues, which we all can agree are enormous.

It’s easy to hide behind handles but I choose not to. We talk about transparency but hide our real names. Don’t you all think you’d have more credibility if everyone knew who you were? Or, is that why you hide?

I’ve tried to stay impartial but it gets harder and harder. I’m hated by one side because of association, which is unfair. Yes, Tanya will tell you I have my faults and I know I’ve said and done a few things that maybe I shouldn’t have, but I can be impartial and fair if given the chance.

All that being said, I just wish that name calling and finger pointing would STOP so the association could move forward. Is anyone else willing to do the same? I have questions and don't purport to know it all by any means. This would and could be a great forum to ask questions and get answers or at least try to.

So, my first question is in regards to Tanya’s statement that HPP is not an HOA is just a road maintenance association. I’ve heard this before but when I read the By Laws it says


The objects and purposes of the Association are defined in the Charter and are as follows:
(a) To ascertain the needs and desires of lot owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision and represent those needs and desires as appropriate.
b) To manage, protect, maintain, and improve the improved and unimproved real properties and other assets of the Association and to provide usual administrative and executive functions necessary to the operation and management of the Association.
© To maintain, manage, preserve, and protect the commonly owned roadway easements in Increments I and II, which shall be used in common with others for roadways and utility purposes.
(d) To serve as a representative of lot owners of Hawaiian Paradise Park to government agencies, officials, and community organizations on issues affecting or arising from Hawaiian Paradise Park.
(e) To foster an atmosphere of cooperation and harmony that encourages the participation of lot owners in the management and operation of the Association.
(f) To administer the financial affairs of the Association in a responsible manner.
(g) To promote social and recreational activities within the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision.
(h) To assist the Hawaii County Department of Civil Defense and other recognized relief organizations at the discretion of the board.
( HPPOA BYLAWS 7-22-2010 Page 5 of 31 )

Does this tell us this is a road maintenance association or an HPPOA for the good of all members? Can we start here?

I plead to all of you to stop the bickering and name calling and let’s come together for the good of all.
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”

“Truth is stranger than fiction but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities
Truth isn’t”
Leo your lengthy attempt to derail and dismiss Johnd having a voice is once again quite the familiar personality of the mermaid!
KP as you have sat back you have made an assumption that I am the past treasurer and board member My suggestion for your good intentions speech for the HPP community is to start by knowing I am not! However The importance of the objects and purposes of HPPOA does not deem it an HOA And HPP does not have CC&R’s .
Another suggestion step out of the mermaid box and get the Facts all of them from all involved this way you may make an educated evaluation of the disarray HPP BOD . Curious what would “Tanya” have to say about your faults? Every human has faults some worse than others
HPP does not have CC&R’s

There's no legally mandatory road dues without some kind of covenant on the deed.
Kalakoa agreed -still feel it would be only for road maintenance
Originally posted by Stillwater

“Truth is stranger than fiction but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities
Truth isn’t”
Leo your lengthy attempt to derail and dismiss Johnd having a voice is once again quite the familiar personality of the mermaid!
KP as you have sat back you have made an assumption that I am the past treasurer and board member My suggestion for your good intentions speech for the HPP community is to start by knowing I am not! However The importance of the objects and purposes of HPPOA does not deem it an HOA And HPP does not have CC&R’s .
Another suggestion step out of the mermaid box and get the Facts all of them from all involved this way you may make an educated evaluation of the disarray HPP BOD . Curious what would “Tanya” have to say about your faults? Every human has faults some worse than others

My apologies. I’ll respect your wish to be called Stillwater. As I have said before, I don’t want to go back in time to try to rehash all the he-said, she-saids. At this point in time, it doesn’t help anything. Let’s just be forward thinking. I don’t need to prove anyone wrong or right, for that matter. That’s why we can’t move forward.

I’m not sure why you think we’re not a Home Owner’s Association. I can’t find where having official CC&R’s is mandatory. HPPOA stands for HPP Owners’ Association. Maybe I’m just confused. Can you help me with that?

”Good intentions speech”...explain that if you’re truly trying to be fair. I DO have good intentions and I’m not in the mermaid box. If I were to listen to everyone it would take years to sort it all out because there are many sides to every story. I only know what I see and hear and now what I’ve read here, and am trying to stay impartial and come to my own conclusions.

And, I’m sorry, but I won’t honor you with publishing my faults. There might be too many to list here. #128514;

Could you please re-read my post above and answer the questions I asked? I’d appreciate it.

“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”

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