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Mike Ruggles

Oh can you imagine a rebel like this becoming mayor.
We’ve had some outliers run for mayor in the past. Keiko Bonk was a musician & artist who ran in 1996 & 2000. She was narrowly defeated in ‘96. personally, I think she would have been an improvement over what we got.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Notice how Ruggles' pulling papers isn't being reported in HTH, WHT, StarAdvertiser, HNN, KHON or KITV.

Clearly a conspiracy ... brought to you by "the right people" and the letter P.
I viewed the video and honestly believe Mike brings up a few valid points . 

Doubt that he has a snowball's chance and not saying I would vote for him, But I did vote for Bernard Akana back in the 80's.  We were so disenchanted with Dante Carpenter and needed to send him a message .  I can remember how stunned we all were when Akana actually won!
His daughter will be his chief of staff and will do who knows what !
Bernard Akana back in the 80's...

Best mayor we ever had...

Don't worry be happy!
Kalakoa and Reni + one.

Obie, Jen is more than capable of doing the job.

Ruggles Rules would be interesting and certainly would send that much needed message again.
So dad's running for mayor while daughter insists the government is illegal. Must make for some fun family dinner conversations.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Didn't Jen Ruggles continue to get paid for being on the County Council while not doing her job? If so, it's a strange definition of being more than capable of doing the job.

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