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Postponing/canceling Merrie Monarche
From another topic thread : HOTPE " Does holding the Merrie Monarch make East Hawaii residents safer and healthier, or allow some people to maintain their cash flow despite the potential import and spread of the virus with the largest single influx of national and international arrivals into Hilo this year? "

With no testing for community spread here, and with no screening of people getting off airplanes, I am all for postponing the Merrie Monarch Festival until the fall, or even canceling for this year entirely. While I can control my own immediate exposure level by not going to the events, the residual level of infection when residents do have to go out is something we should avoid. Hilo Hospital cannot handle even a small increase of sick people needing quarantine and/or respirators.
Every reasonable person on the island agrees with you, vehemently at that!
865 Pi#699;ilani Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 935-9168
Fax: (808) 969-3058
Mayor: Harry Kim
Managing Director: Roy Takemoto
Deputy Managing Director: Barbara Shim Kossow
East Hawai#699;i
25 Aupuni Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 961-8211
Fax: (808) 961-6553
TDD: (808) 961-8521
Office of the Governor
The Honorable David Y. Ige
Governor, State of Hawaii
Executive Chambers
State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 586-0034
Fax: (808) 586-0006
Email Governor Ige
Every reasonable person on the island agrees with you

And some off island too.
A few minutes ago I spoke with a parent active in her daughter's hula halau, she’s from Maui, Native Hawaiian, and she can’t understand why the Merrie Monarch Festival hasn’t been canceled.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by ironyak
I would add write the public.. submit a letter to the Trib..

I contacted all the numbers ironyak posted, yesterday. Interestingly, the only office I talked with that said they are getting concerned calls was our legislative representatives. Harry's office acted as if my concerns were unfounded. Ige's office apologized, saying the governor had more pressing matters to contend with than worrying about the virus.
The pragmatics on this is that the event is 4 weeks off (so plenty of time for people to contact those responsible). There is a lot of news that is going to happen between now and then so the timing isn't that ripe now for such a decision to happen.

But given the postponement/cancellation of SWSX, Coachella, St Patrick's Day Parades in many major U.S. cities, etc... to continue on with this event (and possibly incur the possible litigation issues that have been mentioned for others) would go against the quickly-building consensus in a very conspicuous way.
Does anyone really think that Harry Kim and David Ige, two officials who couldn't summon the backbone to enforce the law on Mauna Kea, are going to put pressure on the Merrie Monarch organizers to cancel the event?
Originally posted by hokuili

Originally posted by ironyak
I would add write the public.. submit a letter to the Trib..

I contacted all the numbers ironyak posted, yesterday. Interestingly, the only office I talked with that said they are getting concerned calls was our legislative representatives. Harry's office acted as if my concerns were unfounded. Ige's office apologized, saying the governor had more pressing matters to contend with than worrying about the virus.

I see your letter was posted today, I thought you lived in Volcano.
If the County does the same fine job as they have demonstrated over and over, we will all be dead and they will be still forming a committee in the CD bunker to study it for a few years.
Trump just ordered all flights from Europe to the US suspended for 30 days starting Friday.... (except the UK)?

Asia and the south pacific won't be far behind. And if that happens ...there go half of the participants of Merrie Monarche.

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