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I normally leave for Ohio in May every year and spend the summer at my log cabin on a lake. Might leave early this year.
The governor just announced all bars and restaurants are closing too.
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Or West Virginia! The only state with no cases so far. But then I wonder how many they are testing.
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Just received this from my primary care physician in Ohio.
OK folks, so Carroll Family Healthcare has come up with a pretty solid plan for COVID-19.
If you have respiratory symptoms and a fever you will be screened prior to giving you an appointment. If you have ANY respiratory symptoms (cough, cold, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing) you will be directed to a separate waiting room on the south side of the building and asked to wear a mask. There you will be screened for your temperature prior to entrance into the exam rooms. Your mask must be left on until directed to take it off by a physician.
We are asking you all to comply. If you are coming into the main waiting room and coughing or sneezing, you will be asked to mask up and go to the secondary waiting room. NO EXCEPTIONS - I'm just dropping off a paper, I'm just paying my bill, I just need to pick up a prescription. NO EXCEPTIONS. Don't make me use my outdoor voice.
In addition, we will be contacting some of our more compromised patients and asking them to reschedule routine appointments for later on.
Our community will get through this because we care about each other and we care about our medically fragile and our neighbors. We will stay home if we are sick and use common sense. We wont put others at risk by our own wants. Take care.
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Wow, Kudos to Carroll Family Health Care. I almost forgot what competent and responsible looks like.
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Best of luck Obie wherever you end up hunkering down. Might consider sooner rather than later - whispers of shutting down domestic flights being floated on the web.
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Thanks !
We are hunkered down here and because my wife inherited depression genes we have adequate supplies of everything.
The medical resources there are much better there so it might be worth the trip.
Being 70 + is a worry .
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70+ puts a major target on your backs. You should not be travelling by all recommendations, but if you MUST GTFO, take all and every precaution possible. COVID is here and everywhere so act like it! (!!! for old time's sake
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Airports scare me more than the planes. I think of all walking around and door handles, rails, bathrooms and a myriad of places we touch unbeknownst to us. And all the loud idiots in the world who can't stop talking either to a person or their cell phone spitting germs everywhere. No, not getting on a plane for a while.
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Airports scare me more than the planes.
Fear Of (The Wait For) Flying
Tagline: Is everybody on the cell with their psychiatrist?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Some good common sense stuff here:
Carroll Family Healthcare
2 hrs ยท
GUYS GUYS GUYS!!! Breathe... calm... The calls we are getting are in near panic mode. We are all OK. We are being cautious. We have e-visit capability. We will be fine. Here are a few things I heard today and want to debunk:
1. We have rescheduled some of our older and vulnerable patients to keep them safe... NOT because we have a case of the virus in our office. Quit spreading rumors and stirring the pot. You are the worst kind of person for saying this in a public place. (We have ears everywhere...)
2. You don't need to stockpile medications. Just make sure you have minimum two weeks worth. Also if your insurance has a 90 day send away pharmacy, now would be a good time to try them out. Pharmacies will NOT close. Even in Italy pharmacies and grocery stores are open.
3. This is cold and flu season. You are allowed to be sick. Runny nose, cough, sneeze. As long as you can manage it with over the counter medications and rest, you'll be fine. BUT if you are sick, STAY HOME. We are also very close to allergy season, so use antihistamines to manage those symptoms.
4. If you think you are sick and need seen, CALL FIRST. We can do lots over the phone to see what our next step will be. Showing up sick in the office without calling is a good way to get the side eye.
5. I'll be posting a youtube video later on today on how to do an e visit for those interested. If you would like to request access to the portal for e-visits and other cool stuff email If you have an email on file, we will email you access. If you don't we will call you.
Thanks for reading and we will continue to keep you all updated. Be well.