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HPP road fees
"Why don't we get back to the topic now Obie? Road fees."

That's what we were talking about until you changed the topic and since there is nothing to be done without contacting the bond holder, this topic is basically done.
Went to pay our road fees on Friday. The office is closed to walk ins. You can pay over the phone or at the drop box next to the door which was what we did.
Originally posted by Obie

"Why don't we get back to the topic now Obie? Road fees."

That's what we were talking about until you changed the topic and since there is nothing to be done without contacting the bond holder, this topic is basically done.

Actually someone else changed the topic first.

Ref the bond, you're doing a disservice by spreading erroneous information about the Bond.

The board has the authority to defer the road fee dues, but they need to discuss and vote for this at a board meeting. D1 rep/the plaintiff has declined the two directors their right to call a special board meeting. It's the board's fiduciary duty to discuss what's in the best interests of the Association during this pandemic for the members and the employees. Only the board can make these decisions.
Only the board can make these decisions.

The illegal "rogue" board that refuses to honor the bylaws? That board?

Nevermind -- time I got back to not caring.
Hi Kalakoa,

No not a rogue board. There's a legal board of 3 that are remaining from the en masse resignations that took place on 19 Jun 2019. One of the 3 directors is suing the Association and cancelling all board and membership meetings. He and the GM have engaged in a hostile takeover of HPP's business and monies and have gone rogue. They've excluded the two legitimate directors from all HPP business and are making business decisions, signing contracts and spending monies outside of day to day operations w/out board involvement/oversight.

Two of the 3 directors have called a special board meeting and the director who's suing the Association declined in participating in a special board meeting. We could still have a special board meeting but we need the cooperation of the GM to post the meeting. The plaintiff has to schedule the recording secretary who's supposed to work for the Association, not just one director. He doesn't pay her salary, the Association does. This is the road block we've been dealing with since the new board tried to have their first board meeting in Jul 2019 and were ordered out of the library by the plaintiff before the meeting could be called to order.
Enough already mermaid you have been trying to convince everyone that what you say is correct for soooooooo long now! Your OPINION is not Gold and is just that -opinion
My opinion (not gold either) there are 4 legal directors - leave it to the court! Nothing you say can be deemed correct legal information! What is your business /life experience that qualifies you above anyone else here?
From a previous post of Mermaid's

"Some directors have NO idea what the finalized Bond language was since we've never seen it."

From more recent post

"The board has the authority to defer the road fee dues, but they need to discuss and vote for this at a board meeting."

If you don't know what the language is how can you make A reckless statement like the 2nd one.
Originally posted by Stillwater
My opinion (not gold either) there are 4 legal directors - leave it to the court!

The court didn't make a ruling yet that Crelly didn't resign from his new term when he turned in his resignation on 19 Jun 2019. Meanwhile, Crelly's in legal limbo.

Your opinion is that Crelly is the 4th director, please explain to everyone by what legal process Crelly became a director after he resigned? Legal = transparently.
Once again for those who didn't get it the first time...

This is about a proposal to defer the road fee dues NOT the bond payments. We would still make payments to the Bond company.
Craig Creeley was voted in by his district by his constituents in the 2018 election..the same two directors would not allow him to take his seat then they wanted to spend road dues then on attorney fees saying he wasn’t a legal director then! The majority of the board then voted against them and their fight for this has never stopped! Mr. Creeley’s former 2018 term was almost over and once again his constituents voted him as their director.
Mr. Creeley witnessed the frustration of all Directors that chose to resign at the end of his 2018 term and stood in unity with them as he too did not agree with the shenanigans of the two remaining directors and also resigned the last days/weeks of his term. At the membership meeting that the 2019 election was announced to the members Mr.Creeley stood amongst the members present and acknowledged he was taking his seat for this term . His constituents at no fault of their own and now the rest of the districts and the Association with no fault of their own are in limbo stagnant in improvements and what is really best for the community and what road dues are meant to be spent on!....,,Once again ......... these two Directors are fighting it the entire way !!
This time giving the President no choice but to take legal counsel and bring them before the judge! Simple as that no bs ! Don’t understand? Got questions still? Wait for the judge to answer. Copy and paste all you like that is the brunt of what all these ridiculous threads are about the mermaid and the other director dislike Craig Creeley and the GM and want control of the association when in my opinion they are not capable of neither can read the financials much less understand them yet have opinions they spread throughout the community of mismanagement etc?? What is the background experience these directors have ?

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