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Wear those masks people, whatever you got!
First, *stay home*. Stay 6+ feet away from people. Wash your hands before and after touching your face or things in public.

But if you absolutely have to go out, wear a mask, even if it's homemade from a couple layers of t-shirt, pillowcase, or towel. The evidence is mounting that COVID-19 transmission is reduced if everyone wears masks, but also that it is easily aerosolized.

Here's an article from CNN this morning that will hopefully encourage you to stay home:
Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

From CNN Health’s Elizabeth Cohen

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House last night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats.
He said his letter was sent in response to a query from Kelvin Droegemeier with the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House.

"This letter responds to your question concerning the possibility that [coronavirus] could be spread by conversation, in addition to sneeze/cough-induced droplets," the letter states. "Currently available research supports the possibility that [coronavirus] could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients' exhalation," it continues.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus spreads from person to person when people are within about six feet of each other. It spreads "through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes."

Fineberg told CNN this is true — but that research shows that aerosolized droplets produced by talking or possibly even by just breathing can also spread the virus.

Fineberg said it's possible that aerosolized coronavirus droplets can hang in the air and potentially infect someone who walks by later. How long coronavirus lingers in the air depends on several factors, including how much virus an infected individual puts out when breathing or talking, and also on the amount of circulation in the air, he said.

He added, however, that coronavirus is not as infectious as measles or tuberculosis.
How dare you question the authority of the WHO and CDC who say not to wear masks! You internet kook! (had to beat some people to it Wink

Here's the quick pleated bandanna and hair-tie mask. Easy to make, easy to breath with (part of why it's only partially effective), but it's better than nothing in a pinch.

And like you said - stay at home as much as possible! (whatever trips should be minimal, essential, and done quickly and efficiently, keeping 6ft+ social distancing whenever possible)
Japanese video illustrating the virus hanging in the air:

Makes me not want to go out, even with a mask! Also it should encourage stores to open doors and windows.
I posted this earlier - it is a very easy mask fabrication - you likely have all the needed materials already in your home (no additional trips to a vector site - e.g a store) and it might take 10 minutes to fabricate...

If you want to get real fancy, when folding the fabric into its rectangular form, you can incorporate a paper towel, TP, or facial tissue as an additional layer to improve it's ability to filter out small particles. After use, disassemble, pitch the tissue, wash, and reuse. I have a bag of these in my car.

The other advantage for masks is that it keeps your hands off you face/nose/mouth which is the other major infection pathway...
There's no excuse for not wearing these.
I've been eyeballing my coffee filters. I wonder if they would work behind a cloth.
Many DIY mask designs are including a pocket for holding a coffee filter or part of vacuum bag to increase the air filtration properties. Can't hurt, as long as you can breathe!
I hope there's a way to get masks to those that were unable to get themselves some before the shortages. I know there's been a lot of focus on getting the extras, and the homemade kine, to the healthcare guys, but there probably needs to be some sort of consideration to those that were lulled into thinking people shouldn't have masks.
Gosh, maybe goggles too? It's supposed to be able to get into your eyes.
The DIY cloth masks aren't really for preventing you getting sick (better than nothing, but only about 50% protection) - it's about everyone not spreading the virus even if they feel fine.

Googles can help prevent another route of infections, but it's way overkill when combined with a cloth mask for personal protection.
but it's way overkill when combined with a cloth mask for personal protection.

Fauci: 'If it looks like you're overreacting, you're probably doing the right thing'

And yeah all that headgear would defiantly 'look' excessive. But who cares about looks, right?

Ok, all kidding aside, can covid actually infect a body through the eyes? I haven't heard anything explore that in any detail. I see them say you can't get covid through eating food. In other words it has to be in our airways. It has nowhere to live in our digestive system. I hear that in promos for us believing take out is kosher. But, I wonder, can it be introduced to the throat via a food surface and subsequently grow to overwhelm the lungs? Am I stretching it?

But the eyes? How does the virus get from the eye socket to the lungs?


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