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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
I went to the Keaau Market yesterday, and all the booths were open. That was Monday.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Went to Home Depot yesterday. The wait to get in was about 10 minutes. Not a lot of people in the store. It was well stocked, even the garden area. I made the mistake of trying to wander towards the pro desk past the self checkout area and and an employee screamed at me "THERE IS A LINE!" I guess she thought I was trying to check out and the COVID stress had taken a toll on her. Maybe I had walked by a sign I didn't see forbidding transit through the front part of the store? When I explained to her I wasn't trying to check out she pointed towards the exit and said "THE EXIT IS OVER THERE!" I considered taking that as an invitation to leave without paying but I had more shopping to do.

ETA: During the wait to get in there was a man behind me 'entertaining' the line loudly saying things like "THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL! THEY ARE PROGRAMMING US! THEY'RE GOING TO CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES" etc.
We are not short on food and are not yet under pressure to get more.
Was just wanting to pad our stock to keep from running short on anything plus get more perishables.

Think I will go a farmer's mkt. tomorrow, plus we need a refill from the watering hole and have some garbage to drop off.
All that can be done in a single run.

As I've said before elsewhere, I do have a box of 8210 N95s.
But, I'm going to give my 6200 with the 2091 P100 filters a try.
They do have better filtration and a much better seal to the face.
I'm curious just how easy or difficult it will be to talk with it on.
Plus, I've picked up a pair of safety glasses with a foam seal that I'll use too, probably not needed though.
My understanding is that the virus has an affinity for lung tissue, not others.
That may be wrong.
It is old data.
It is still important to protect ones air passage and lungs from the virus as much as you possibly can.

Got a feeling I'll look like a hardcore prepper crawling out of the woodwork.
But then, being a fashionista is not a requirement.

I am so glad I made my final HD trip before the panicked thundering herd attacked them.

I have been unable to post this.
WE lost phone and i-net for a while, got it back now.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Not that this probably needs to be said to you, but if you're planning to use the half-face respirator, I'd double-check it and maybe test drive it for 1/2 hour around the house to check it, and your, capacities out. Can see how hard it is talk and do other work with it on.

Glasses are extra safety, probably not needed, but can't hurt anything other than your fashion sense to use.

Best to use isopropyl or hand sanitizer before donning the gear and after you get back to the car before you take anything off for storing. Fit the mask well before you get out and leave it alone until you're back and ready to take it off, no touching your face period, bring an N95 as backup if needed (handle only by the straps when removing). When home, decloth outside (clothes into bag or straight into washer) and hot soapy shower like Chunkster said.

Again, not really directed at you, just a chance to outline the basic practices involved with proper PPE usage.
Good ole Classic CDC info (when they still cared about us):

Overkill? Very likely, but "If it looks like you're overreacting, you're probably doing the right thing" - Dr Fauci (NIH)
Sack N Save Puainako checkout line today is a single line running adjacent to the produce section. Tape markers on the floor six feet apart in this line mark each shopper's spot in the line. Manager was directing traffic at the front to an open checkout clerk. Haven't been in a supermarket in 4 days, so I was wondering if other markets are this conscientious.
I had used this mask with the acid gas P100 cartridges back during the eruption for a couple of hours a couple of times.
It seemed to work well then, have given it a try recently.
The acid gas cartridges restricted air movement more than the filters do.
Function seems to be OK, doesn't limit me physically.
Didn't try talking.
I was alone.
Need to check that part out.

The mask does need to be cleaned off and disinfected inside and out between uses.
Better than throwing an N95 away after each use.

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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Like I said, just stating the obvious, for some at least.

I'm saving my half-face respirators for more critical times and am storing and reusing my N95s for now - here's a summary of best practices for reuse.
taropatch - Tape markers on the floor six feet apart in this line mark each shopper's spot in the line.

Target was doing this as well, but not Walmart. Anyone seen something similar at KTA, Foodland, etc?
Dropped off garbage and got water today.
Numbers were light with quick and easy access, easy to avoid getting close to others.

Then went shopping.
Did not go into town, just Pahoa and Kea'au.
Farmers market was nice, uncrowded, good availability, no limiting.
Got a lot, and spent about $50.

Hit a couple of stores in Pahoa.
Still some shortages, but things are beginning to become available again, found everything on the list and more.
I even found some wipes to keep in the cars.
We do have plenty, but still can't find bottles of alcohol available.
I'm led to believe it is a manufacturer's problem.
Didn't see any limiting on purchases.
Definitely more expensive than going to town.

M'Lady wants some Tylenol for around the house.
All acetaminophen products are still missing, only naproxen and aspirin items on the shelves.
Not a problem for me.
I very rarely use pain relievers, or antipyretics.
If I do, aspirin takes care of me.
We have plenty for now.

Was a bit reluctant at first to use my mask, but became quite at ease using it everywhere.
Numbers of other users are up everywhere.
Some surprised by my mask, many a bit envious, a few questions.

I saw many failings in the use of the "surgical" and N95 type masks by others.
People do need to learn how to use them effectively.
Just hanging it your face doesn't really cut it.
But, it's early.
Knowledge should get better with time.

Prices as expected were high.
I'm convinced supplies are loosening up.
Think I'll go into town for the next trip, probably a week or so, check things out there.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Of all the days to choose to go shopping...

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