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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
Originally posted by randomq

Of all the days to choose to go shopping...

So, what's your point?
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Went food showing at KTA in Hilo. They have made it one enrty only now and the wait time outside in the line to get in was about 20 minutes. Could not find some things like flour, yeast, butter (had plenty of no salt), and hydrogen peroxide. Then went to walmart. (Big mistake). They also closed the garden section entrance. They too were out of most items like flour, rice, butter, yeast, among others. But the real problem there was checking out. Lines were unbelievable. Even the self check out line was backed up half way to the back of the store (every shopper keeping 6 feet distance). And about 3/4 of the people in there "were" wearing masks!
KTA has the plexiglas shields up between customer and checker right? I've heard Ace in Pahoa is doing the same and Malamas is limiting the number of people in the store.
Anyone hit Target and Safeway in the past couple of days? I have to take Siegfried der Chunkhund to the vet this afternoon for an important treatment and will be very nearby. Thought I would save an additional trip to town to buy groceries later if I went now.
I went to Safeway yesterday afternoon. No entry controls at the time I arrived. Most things were in stock. Some items were gone. Gone: whole milk, butter, potatoes, spagetti.

Approached Walmart but turned back. They have a set up for one customer in/ one customer out. No real line when I was there. I find Walmart a bit scary. Saw people leaving, some with lightly loaded carts, some with two carts over flowing.... seems they were finding plenty stuff.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Yesterday, the 5th, was the final day of the month for EBT cards to be filled. That may account for some of the 2-carts-full that Rob saw. I don't know if that will affect what's on the shelves today, but thought I'd mention it for your consideration.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks, Rob and HOTPE, for responding. I hit Safeway at 12:15 and it wasn't crowded at all. The checkout lines extended back into the shopping aisles, and I'm not complaining about that as it was due to clearly visible social distancing marks on the floor which were respected. The store was well stocked. I didn't need any, but they had pasta and potatoes, things which have been hard to find at times. Canned goods were a bit thin in spots, but they were available if one wasn't too picky. Plenty of meat and most produce items were in stock. I managed to get every item on my list except tartar sauce.

I had to go to Target for some non-grocery drugstore type items, all of which were in stock. I did take a spin through the grocery area, and they did not seem as well stocked overall as Safeway. They did not, alas, have Frau Chunkster's tartar sauce.

I wasn't about to go into Walmart, so no info on that one.
Anyone been to Costco lately? I usually buy meat, frozen veg, and dairy there, but don't want to waste the gas if they're still cleaned out...
"They did not, alas, have Frau Chunkster's tartar sauce"

They had plenty at Orchidland True Value a few days ago. But if not...

1 cup mayonnaise Best Foods or Hellmann's
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 to 3 tablespoons dill pickle finely chopped
2 teaspoons dill weed finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon pepper

In a medium size bowl, combine mayo, lemon juice, chopped dill pickles and dill weed, and pepper.
Stir until thoroughly combined.
Chill in refrigerator for at least 1 hour. The longer, the better. Flavors will get stronger with more time.
Stir before serving.
Thank you, terracore! I'll try that. You saved me the trouble of going on line for a recipe. We have everything except the lemon juice, but we do have limes in the orchard that will probably work OK.

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