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COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths
Some even think it's caused by 5G wireless.

Those scoundrels & schiesters!
They even tried to hide the truth by not naming it COVID-5G!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Durian Fiend - Conditions for the so called re opening of individual states.

Agreed overall, although I think an antibody test to identify who has already been sick and recovered (and is therefore immune at least in the short term) helps to loosen restrictions sooner as you can tell who is safe to resume normal activities.

New York state is working with the FDA to get their antibody test designed for this purpose approved and ready to scale up for potentially testing the 19 million people in the state.

Being at the tail end of this, we may be lucky and inherit a whole set of practices and technologies that allows us to rebound quicker thanks to their trailblazing efforts.
"The state reported 23 new cases and noted that the number of people hospitalized by the virus has risen to 43.

Hawaii’s COVID-19 infection count reached 410 on Tuesday, with 23 new cases confirmed.

The number of people in the hospital jumped from 26 on Monday to 42 people hospitalized.

No new deaths were reported Tuesday. Five people have died to date.

Oahu has the most COVID-19 infections diagnosed, with 312 people confirmed to have the virus.

More people have qualified to be “released from isolation,” according to the department. As of Tuesday, 113 people had recovered enough to fit into that category.

Oahu’s case count reached 312 on Tuesday. Maui County has documented 48 cases, Hawaii county 23, and Kauai County 18 cases. Seven other cases are still under investigation by the department.

The state has conducted 15,149 COVID-19 tests to date."
more at link

Note that this is total samples tested, not total people. Two or more samples are taken per person for testing based on what their symptoms are.
Hawaii ranks as fourth most aggressive state in battle against coronavirus.
Back on the issue of models, the IHME's low estimates are being used by the White House to deny State's requests for Federal aid, even though the states have other models predicting a greater impact.
"A leading forecasting model used by the White House to chart the coronavirus pandemic predicted Monday that the United States may need fewer hospital beds, ventilators and other equipment than previously projected and that some states may reach their peak of covid-19 deaths sooner than expected.
Experts and state leaders, however, continued to steel themselves for grim weeks ahead, noting that the revised model created by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington conflicts with many other models showing higher equipment shortages, deaths and projected peaks.
Some state leaders have also grown increasingly concerned about how the federal government is using IHME’s lower estimates to deny states’ increasingly desperate requests for equipment and help in preparations. The stark differences between the IHME model and dozens of others being created by states exposes the glaring lack of national models provided publicly by the White House or agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for local leaders to use in planning or preparation.
This is how starkly models can differ.

Local leaders in the District said on Friday that their model estimates the outbreak in the nation’s capital will peak June 28. The IHME model predicts the peak is coming in just days, on April 16. The District’s model predicts hospitals will need 1,453 ventilators at the peak. IHME predicts a need for only 107. The District is using the IHME model as a best-case scenario and the more dire model to prepare for a likely surge."

much more at link
Covid-19 is the leading cause of death in the US today, and in the top-3 (along with heart disease and cancer) for the past week. By comparison daily flu deaths (also shown in the charts) are an order of magnitude lower.

There are also some reports (mostly disreputable news outlets so far) that 51 people in South Korea had Covid-19 re-diagnosed after being cleared. Could be related to the effectiveness of immunity, or could just be a failure in testing or waiting out the infection. Probably safe to assume you need to isolate for weeks after the symptoms subside, even if a general stay-at-home order is lifted!

"A Maui resident has died from COVID-19, bringing Hawaii’s death toll for the coronavirus to six, according to data from the state Department of Health released just prior to noon Wednesday.

Four of the deaths have occurred on Oahu and two on Maui.

There are now 435 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hawaii, with 25 new cases confirmed in the last 24 hours. That’s up from 410 on Tuesday.

The total number of confirmed cases on Oahu grew by 16, from 312 to 328. Maui County’s confirmed cases grew by six, from 48 to 54.

Hawaii County reported three more confirmed cases, up to 26. The number of confirmed cases in Kauai County remained the same at 18.

The number of people hospitalized from the virus — 42 — remained unchanged compared to Tuesday."
Originally posted by ironyak

The number of people hospitalized from the virus — 42 — remained unchanged compared to Tuesday."

Substantially less than the peak required beds projected by IHME in 4 days. I think it says 390!
435 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hawaii

Out of 15744 tests.

Meaning: approximately 1.1% of the population has been tested, and of those, approximately 2.9% were positive.

"Not statistically significant."
What they say:
"Not statistically significant."

What they mean:
“Your guess is as good as ours.”
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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