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HPP road fees

Originally posted by Stillwater

I’m proceeding in a civil manner Leo should I take that as a yes?

And so am I. The bigger question is why you'd ask that question?

No bigger question Leo just that
I called the office last week and got my road fees deferred until June.

Aloha Leo, doing good thanks, hope you and your fam are doing well. I appreciate your request that we keep things civil.

D7 rep and I called a special board meeting on 24 Mar 2020 in an attempt to defer the road fees until July 20th. We understand the financial challenges members are facing during the pandemic. No one director or the GM have authority to make these decisions without a board meeting and board vote which is exactly why we called a special board meeting, and the meeting should've taken place. It is unfortunate as the board is supposed to serve/represent YOU. There is no court ruling that justifies the cancellation or obstruction of Association business from being conducted at board meetings during D1 rep/plaintiff's lawsuit against the Association.

Are you going to pay road dues mermaid or are you opting not to like Leo? I ask because I’m curious where you stand as a director on the road fee as to pay or not to pay.

Don't feed the troll!

Leo, mahalo for your reply, what happened so fast you are loosing common decency on being civil I am only requesting transparency on the subject at hand. The inquiry is not to you unless you are an official HPP director also.
Maybe someone else could ask this question and get a civil response? It’s only a question not an accusation of anything. I am a constituent requesting mermaid’s response as an HPP director that has always agreed to transparency .
Stillwater - here's a civil response. Please shut up. We have other things on our minds right now. Thank you, Tom.
If u feel that way tom shut down the site


Aloha Tom,
Yes I agree with Dan you should shut it down if you feel that way!
Nope I will not shut up I have every right as you do to ask questions of concern or comment . These questions may not be of concern to you as you find the talking heads on Pandemic playlist to be important I find this important! So if you don’t like what I have to say shut it down to everyone or don’t pay attention to it your choice! The state of the world today does not call for nastiness, born and raised aloha I am choosing Aloha above your example of being civil in this situation.
Mermaid as a director where do you stand on paying the road fees are you paying or are you standing the same ground as Leo?


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