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CoronaVirus Humour
I enjoyed this:

"Dr. Anthony Fauci Cold Open - SNL"
I use Google to give me alerts via Gmail on a number of subjects and this popped up today. At first, I thought it was a serious attempt at describing the effects of COVID-19 on astronomical research, including Mauna Kea but then realized I'd been sucked into a complete load of nonsense.

"The planet in crisis"

"The world has realized that unusual events have been taking place since February; With the excuse of the COVID-19 pandemic, practically all the Planet’s Astronomical Observatories have been closed, and as a consequence more than 100 observation telescopes, indicating that the priority is to preserve the health of personnel and the safety of high-tech facilities. Only robotic telescopes have remained in operation, but an interesting fact is that the personnel of each of the Observatories are not allowed to monitor or obtain data collected by the robots in their automatic observations, except for some astronomical facilities."

I thought the use of "excuse" was simply a language issue, but it dawned on me it wasn't.

"The Magnetosphere has been altered; An anomaly manifested itself that left the Earth partially exposed to cosmic rays, especially the radiation from the solar storms that the Earth constantly receives. It is unknown what may have caused this great irregularity, it should be noted that in previous weeks there were also various irregularities and scientifically proven phenomena. In different parts of the world strange sounds were heard from the sky, called “The Hum”; Furthermore, the islands of Samoa and Hawaii have detected leaks of iron and liquid nickel “magma” from the Earth’s core.

It must be pointed out that all these phenomena together could be the beginning of serious problems and serious global changes that, as a consequence, could bring great extinctions of life on our planet. A slight example of this was the alteration of the Earth’s magnetic field on April 9, causing the next day the chain explosion of 15 volcanoes belonging to the so-called circle of fire. What had to happen for eruptions of such magnitude to be generated? In the next installment the facts will be discussed.

Then it all became clear:

"The astrologer José del Pilar is originally and lives in Guadalajara, but most of his life and training within astrology was in Europe; lived 32 years in Spain. He has done scientific astrology, studied in schools and universities in Madrid, London, Paris, Belgium and India. In Spain he has an office open that is a consultancy for entrepreneurs and artists, mainly."

It's not really humor, but we don't have a "crackpot COVID-19 theories" thread right now.

And I have to ask the question: what is scientific astrology?
Mask debate...

I passed a woman shopping in Safeway that had taken her mask off and was on the phone telling her friend she can’t breath with a mask on and just took it off. 

I wanted to tell her no mask debating in public.  Big Grin 

(but I didn’t say anything)

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