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VA Medical on the Big Island
I have a dear friend on the mainland who has had to take medical retirement due to several serious health issues.  Thanks to an inheritance, he has a nice home here in Puna that is fully paid for.  He would like to sell his current home and move back here, but the PPO insurance his former employer generously extended post retirement doesn't do business in Hawaii.  As a low income veteran, he would qualify for VA benefits, but my understanding of the local VA operation is that it is basically a screening/maintenance clinic with nearly all major treatment and high tech diagnostic exams being done on Oahu.  Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with VA Hilo that they can share?  My friend does not want to be constantly flying back and forth to HNL, and I am pretty sure that he would have to.  Thanks in advance for any help!
My next door neighbor is a vet on medical retirement for health issues.  He has to go to Tripler Medical Center on Oahu for just about everything. They do cover for the airfare. But now with inter-island makes trips difficult.
[quote pid='325813' dateline='1597259527']
I've been using the Hilo VA Clinic for three years and am able to get most of my treatment locally, when available, through the Community Care program. The wait time can be long as many of the specialists fly over from Oahu only a couple time a month but it's better than me having to fly over to Oahu for part of the day. The VA has also added some of their own specialists flying in for treatment since I started care in Hilo and now with Covid they have finally embraced tele-health. You still have to go to the VA Clinic in Hilo to do the tele-health but it is better than nothing. I haven't had any major surgeries so can't comment on that service.
Thanks for the replies, macuu222 and Punabaer! Anyone else?
My 98-year-old WWII vet mother receives care through the VA, and we use the Hilo clinic. Fortunately, we haven't needed any extensive services other than one ER visit. I have generally been happy with how they have treated her, and find the clinic staff to be friendly and competent. They have referred us to area specialists that are outside of the VA, but have not sent us off island. These appointments usually take longer to accomplish, but have worked out okay.

They have really cut down the traffic during this COVID-19 time, with just one doctor's team seeing patients on each day of the week.
Okay, rant time. I have used VA clinics on Kauai, Maui, and Hilo. While having an issue that required Maui to send me to Trippler, I mentioned I thought Maui took took a bit long to make the appointment. The nurse said "Whatever you do, don't move to Hilo!" She wasn't lying. I found care in Hilo terrible. When I fell off a ladder and injured my knee so badly I couldn't walk, I was told 2 months for an appointment. Then they said it must be arthritis, based on my age, a decision made without even imaging. No point going on, they're simply terrible. But the good news is that there is now a cure for Hilo VA, called Community Care. Once he is signed up for VA care, he can contact the Community Care office at Honolulu VA, tell them he does not live close to Hilo VA ( assuming he lives more than 30 minute drive) and wants a local primary care physician. He must find one that accepts VA insurance. I use East Hawaii Family clinic at HMC and am very pleased. After my first appointment there they scheduled a stress test, leading to 2 stents done at HMC. If he puts in a little effort, he can get adequate covered health care.
I recently suffered a stroke and when drs at Hilo Hospital said I needed to be in a skilled nursing facility, as a vet, I opted for the Yukio Otska Veterans Center where I got excellent therapy and followup care. The only downside to Yukio is its food; nutritional value was terrible. But U can have food sent in and if Ur friend is wealthy, that shouldn't be a problem. The Yukio staff is amazing, caring, courteous, and professional. Now that I'm home, the VA is making sure I have nursing care, therapists coming to my home, et al. So very grateful I qualified!
Hilo VA hospital ..... 7 residents and 3 staff test positive for coronavirus.
Now 27 patients and 10 staff tested positive with 2 deaths within the hospital.
As a point of clarification, the veterans facility in Hilo with the Covid-19 outbreak and two deaths is a State Veterans Home and not a VA medical clinic or hospital. The news is tragic regardless, but it is a state run nursing home.

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