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Loud Explosions in HPP
Does anyone know what happened at 12:30 am in Hpp?  The police said they got many calls and that officers were patrolling the area.  There were about 8 or 9 very powerful explosions that shook my house.  I thought someone's propane tank exploded but not after it happened so many times.  I hope it wasn't just another idiot with their "neighborhood terrorism bombs".  I get really mad because of my poor old dogs, one of which is blind and has panic attacks, so I was outside with him at 12:30am trying to sooth him down.
I heard it too in lower HPP. It was loud but not house shaking where I'm at. But I was so deep in sleep I just thought it was a dream. Could have been a meth lab exploding.
Very loud on 21st between Kaloli and Paradise, but not house shaking. Siegfried the Chunkhund headed for his storm shelter. At least the police responded this time, but they often don't.
Fireworks, I went out and watched.
Let me know whose house I can show up at to file my complaints. Heard it up in HA, and my dogs were not pleased.

Seriously, I'm gonna start knocking on the guys door at 12:30am for the next week. Address please.
I was awake and happened to be looking out the window when I heard five loud explosions mid-HPP. I saw the flashes mauka and the explosions happened about 3 seconds after each flash so we must have been pretty far away, but it DID shake our house and louder than even the best our two local idiots have to offer. I also thought it was propane tanks at first but I could hear the little "whoosh" that indicated they were being launched. Wondering where they appeared to be coming from in Orchidland.
Certainty will be the death of us.
It was cloudy and the light was reflecting off the clouds.
I could hear the faint pop when they were launched, the reflected light from the trail and the big flash and boom.
It was near Railroad and Makuu.
They were mortars.
(04-03-2021, 10:51 PM)Obie Wrote: It was cloudy and the light was reflecting off the clouds.
I could hear the faint pop when they were launched, the reflected light from the trail and the big flash and boom.
It was near Railroad and Makuu.
They were mortars.
Thanks for the reply.  You're right about the location. I just went on a message board and someone said it was on 18th between Maku'u and Paradise.  They said it's the house directly behind their house and they yelled at them out the window "A$$ H___"!! and they know the moron heard them yelling.  I don't know if they called police.
That's definitely not where they were coming from last night. Yes, the house on18th between Paradise and Makuu is one of our regular idiots but I live mauka of 18th and the explosions were several blocks mauka of here. I think you were closer when you said 24th but judging from the time between flash and bang I would guess about 27th, and like you said, about 8 poles from Paradise toward Makuu. Haven't heard explosions from that area before.
Certainty will be the death of us.
They shook the house in upper OLE.

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