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Decline in Real Estate
Actually, my bottom line is not really affected much by what direction the market is moving. From what I've seen, the buyers are not scared off by whatever prices are doing in individual areas. They buy because the house or land meets their needs. While real estate can be an investment for some people, for most people its having a home they love and can build equity in. My bottom line is far more affected by the quality of service I give, not the directions prices take. Good professionals, whether its real estate, construction, stockbrokers or whatever make money no matter the direction of the market for the commodity.

As for my investment properties, I have a very long term perspective. For example, I have investments in Kapoho. I have no doubt that, in the long term, nearly oceanfront property in walking distance to some of the best snorkeling in Hawaii will prove to be a good investment. But that wasn't the main reason I bought them -- I bought them because eventually I want to live there. It was an emotional decision first, and only then did I realize it was smart from an investment perspective.

All that being said, I don't really care which direction prices move. I truly don't. I just hope that the clients I've had in the past are still as happy with what they bought as they were the day they bought it. Most of them that I've spoken with recently are still just as happy and are glad they did what they did.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John - you moving to my neighborhood??? yah!
- you know we are moving allllll the way across the street this weekend?

Jared, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, thats what you've been preaching (along with a lot of other people). I've been following your posts, it seems you just relish that our economy is going to be destroyed. You sound like a little miser, who is jumping for joy because the sky
is falling.
Edited by - Aaron S


If I was preaching anything I would be preaching fundamentals and realism. Do I think our economy will be in trouble sooner than later, well yeah but I have specific reasons. Aaron can you please find me a tree that grows all the way into the sky, then space then into another dimension?

What do you care about my financial positions? Who are you calling a little miser? I couldn't be a big miser, come on give me some credit, that hurts from a Poly Anna like yourself. The only place I like relish is on my hot dogs, unless you place chutneys and other condiments in with relishes (some do some dont); this cause a deliema cause I like some chutneys but not the ones with raisins I never really liked raisins, same with prunes. I digress...

John & John:

I think realtors do a job just like everyone else. If there is value in the job they do people will continue to use them. Although I kind of feel with the growth of the internet, realtors will be squeezed much like travel agents in the mid 90s when their data system became public. A lot of MLSs are becoming more and more public, but people pay for convience. I think John & John do good jobs for their clients, people seem to think so. Do I think realtors cause global warming or are in on a fix with the Pope? No, but I think if you were you guys would tell us, right? Hey Aaron they make money in up and down markets, criminalize them. Can you guys answer me one question? If prices can go up 100% in a few years, what stops them from going down say 30% in a few years?

Economies are cycles, much like seasons, real estate, the bond market, the stock market, skirt lengths and fashion, Ducatis and Harleys. Again trees don't grow into the sky.

Edited by - Jared I on 11/16/2006 22:09:35
Rob, please feel free to delete my postings in this thread. I apologize for breaking the #1 fundamental management rule ("not to get angry at your employees because they don't see the same things as you do, that's why they are employees and you are the boss"Wink but one thing is for sure, I am glad some of these posters are not my employees and I can handpick those who work with me. It's strange to see people claiming to be homeowners believing that the market is tanking and even being very happy about it.

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 11/17/2006 08:29:25
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Sage advise from author/financial commentator Ben Stein, on real estate boom/bust cycles; What to Do When a Boom Goes Bust

"Buy at the bottom in real estate (and in everything else -- read on), or as close to the bottom as you can see, and patiently wait for the boom to come back. In the meantime, live in your house and enjoy it. A house is a machine for living, as the famed architect Le Corbusier said. It's not a machine for making money. If it does make you money that's all to the good, but it's not the main function."

Edited by - adias on 11/18/2006 05:05:38


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
The building boom has sllllllooooowwwwed down so much that as a comparison:

2006 (Jan - Oct) 2768 permits issued
2005 (same period) 2797 permits issued

If my math is correct that is a slowdown in permits issued of less than 2.1% - geez, does that mean now builders get to take Sundays off... ?

Chicken little: the sky is falling, the sky is falling...

Onlooker: nah, thats just bird poop.

Its all in the perspective....

Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"
Well, you guys are right, I can't win against the bystander conspiracy theory. SmileIsn't it great that now I am even labeled not honest by someone I never even met?! Well, bystander, I can tell you something, "CRB" is management designation and the class I was referring to was for managers and not sales people. The class was conducted by Mr. Brewbaker who is the Chief Economist of Bank of Hawaii. Yeah, he is part of the conspiracy too, huh?

"So tell me this: if property values keep going down will you and your RE cohorts be making more or less money?" I have seen both soft and heated markets more than once since I am in the business. Neither one had a major effect on my income. In fact, even though we are told by bystander experts that the real estate market is tanking, my company already had more gross income in 10 months this year than all last year. Good companies excell regardless of the market conditions.

"This is what I think will happen. The bubble won't burst all at once but will deflate like a tire with a slow leak for years to come. Every year will bring slightly lower prices than the last until we reach the bottom. Buyers will buy thinking the bottom has been reached but prices will keep going exruciatingly lower year after year." Yep, I am sure it's correct. Prices will reach zero! Sellers actually will end up giving away their properties free and some even will throw in incentives too! Smile

Sorry guys, IMHO, this thread really is getting to be a free entertainment! Smile

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 11/16/2006 13:11:58

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 11/16/2006 13:17:36

Now you're the one providing me with some entertainment. Did I ever say prices are going to zero? If declining prices don't matter to you, why do you keep posting in this thread?

I take back what I said about Dirgo being more honest than you. You really believe in what you say, that prices will keep going higher until they reach the moon. Dirgo on the otherhand has the honesty of a politician. He acknowledges that prices have come down but tries to downplay it as much as he can. But you both are blind to your own biases. First you deny that there has been any decline in prices. Then you say the decline is just a temporary phase. After that that declining prices won't really matter because sales will remain high, like in the Aesop's fable of the fox and the grapes.

The topic of this thread is "Decline in Real Estate". Putting emotions aside, what do you think will really happen? I think they will keep going down gradually but I don't say this with any glee or happiness, and no I don't think they will go down to zero. A deline of 40% from the peak seems very plausible though.

Rabi, your opinion is that the recent decline is completely temporary and prices will go back up and increase at the same rates they were rising at before, over 100% annually?

Edited by - bystander on 11/20/2006 10:27:23

Chicken little: the sky is falling, the sky is falling...

Onlooker: nah, thats just bird poop.

Its all in the perspective....

Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"

Thank heaven cows don't fly (00)

hehehehe, needed a quick post for the big 500

Edited by - HADave on 11/20/2006 11:48:43
Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Hey Maverick,
Good to hear from you. On this thread Cows do fly

If anyone really wants to know whats going down I would highly recommend Madame-Rose

Edited by - adias on 11/20/2006 15:15:08

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