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Orchidland Road Association ballot items
@Kalakoa - No.  We already pay enough for services that we don't get.  Sue 'em.

@8F -

@Terracore - To be fair, a huge jump in fees is unlikely.  We can be thankful that OLCA is not a HOA.  We still have some control.  As long as we pay the poll tax.

Something else I'd like to add about the voting.  Put yourself in the shoes of the commercial property owners.  The commercial fees are to be voted on by the membership.  The commercial property owners are allowed to vote (if they're paid up) so it's all fair, right?  What if the fee proposal was $10,000/year?  Or $50,000/year?  Would the membership pass it?  Would the commercial property owner think he was treated fairly if an exorbitant amount did pass?  I don't think this is far-fetched.  And I do believe it's why OLCA has never collected a commercial fee from the Orchidland Shopping Center property.
No.  We already pay enough for services that we don't get.

Unlike private road boards, the LID would (theoretically) be a matter of public record, with some kind of accountability.

The commercial property owners are allowed to vote (if they're paid up) so it's all fair, right?

One vote per lot owner means the commercial votes are symbolic at best.

County's planned installation of a roundabout might force the issue; Code forbids County from providing any support to a private road, period -- easily solved by County taking over the first block of Orchidland.
Does anybody know what's going on with the lots that are on the highway next to Auli'i? They are zoned commercial / residential and were for sale forever, but it looks like the for sale signs are down and there have been surveyors and bulldozers out there. I'm crossing my fingers that somebody is putting in a bland Asian restaurant.
Zoned ag with pre-1976 development rights; the planned KTA (?) would have required an SUP.

New owners are building a house on the innermost lot.
Years ago, the lots at the bottom of Aulii had been bought by family members of GW Construction with the intent of commercial development. The County denied the application because the original subdivision plans had been changed to make Aulii 40' wide when the bulldozer making the roads caved into a large lava tube, and it has since been considered a 'side' street. They had paid way too much for the lots, because they had assumed their application would go through. They had been trying to sell them for $100,000 each, which is why they were on the market for so long. ( All of the other OLE streets that come off the highway are 60' wide. )
I’m with you, and I will vote NO on all three motions.  But y’all have to understand that this group is a bunch of mafia criminals. They roll in to these meetings with boxes of proxies, so once the Board votes, it’s already a fait accompli. Doesn’t matter how you or I vote. Ric Wiric controls hundreds of votes. The others officers have hundreds more votes between them. 

All motions supported by this Board will always pass. Because Orchidland is a Banana Republic.
"County's planned installation of a roundabout might force the issue; Code forbids County from providing any support to a private road, period -- easily solved by County taking over the first block of Orchidland."

All of the roads in Orchidland are interconnected to form 1 "road-shaped" lot, and 1/2490th of that lot is attached to the deed of each Orchidland property.  I believe the State ran into this same situation at Shower Dr. and it was very cumbersome to notify and process all those property owners and deeds.  I don't know how that turned out, if they figured out how to solve it easily or worked around it.  If you know please tell me.  There are other roads that could be considered for this if it can be done easily. 

But I think it all falls in the category of "yeah, fat chance".  I would bet that the county will not take over any portion of any road in Orchidland without being forced to by legal action.  And if it has to go that way, then it might as well go all the way.
roads in Orchidland are interconnected to form 1 "road-shaped" lot, and 1/2490th of that lot is attached to the deed of each Orchidland property

Same in Hawaiian Acres, except there's no association inserting itself into the ownership arrangements.

county will not take over any portion of any road in Orchidland without being forced to by legal action

I don't know what standing the commercial users have, but I think their money would be well-spent to permanently settle this issue. A general store should not be reachable only by privately owned road; the gas station even more so.
roads in Orchidland are interconnected to form 1 "road-shaped" lot, and 1/2490th of that lot is attached to the deed of each Orchidland property

Same in Hawaiian Acres, except there's no association inserting itself into the ownership arrangements.

I don't know what you mean by "ownership arrangements" or how this would have any effect on County or State taking over a portion of the road lot.  You said it could be easily solved, that's the explanation I'm looking for.

"I don't know what standing the commercial users have, but I think their money would be well-spent to permanently settle this issue. A general store should not be reachable only by privately owned road; the gas station even more so."

Since to this point they have paid absolutely nothing, I see no incentive for them to change anything.
Unless I'm mistaken the road association hasn't done anything to resolve the situation either, other than to point fingers. They blame the problem on flooding but from my observation it's because the the chipseal was never properly maintained and the cold patch doesn't survive a rain storm. The solution is to (properly) repave that section.

"I think their money would be well-spent to permanently settle this issue."

If they were smart they would secede that section of road from the association and maintain it themselves. Or smarter yet, grease whatever county officials are necessary to make them take it over.

The irony that there is a gas station collecting fuel taxes for the state "for road maintenance" on a privately owned road...

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