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Best Affordable Soil
So, Sanford didn’t have a black cinder (only red cinder) soil mix; so, we ordered a load of soil & a load of black cinder & will mix ourselves I guess. We’ll also add some cow manure to the mix (not sure on proportions?); then, we’ll top our beds with compost from the dump. If anyone has any other suggestions let us know. Thanks!
We add micronized Azomite to our beds. The mineral content isn't a type to affect the pH.

The soil around here tends to run acidic, and especially when we get acid rain from the vog / eruptions. Eventually you'll want to test the pH of your mix and compare it to what the plants you are growing like. You may need to adjust the pH with some dolomite or other product. The wrong pH can prevent the plants from taking in nutrients and no amount of fertilizer will assuage the situation. There are different types of dolomite, the micronized version works more quickly, they have more course varieties that can take two years to adjust the pH.
After the D9 fixes my inundated Puna Makai property, I plan to use a cinder/soil mix but am planning to avoid the free mulch from the dump as I'd rather not invite the LFAs back to the neighborhood...
Aaron M, they treat for LFA at the mulch yard. Have you gotten mulch with LFA's in it?
Certainty will be the death of us.
I did but that was ~2016.
All the mulch I've received has been way to hot for LFA to survive. I've only been getting it since it's been the "enhanced" mulch.

One time I got a load of pallet chips. I didn't see any LFA but I treated just in case.
(07-05-2021, 09:23 AM)AaronM Wrote: After the D9 fixes my inundated Puna Makai property, I plan to use a cinder/soil mix but am planning to avoid the free mulch from the dump as I'd rather not invite the LFAs back to the neighborhood...

I’ve been getting mulch there for two years and never got any with LFAs in it.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Great news! Thank you all for the update.

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