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Mayor looking at closing beaches.
Finally! Something we can agree on - local government is a joke.
today's HTH quote mayor as "eyeing drastic measures."

This "mulling" was in the other newspapers earlier this week, alongside Green's "might need shutdown" and various articles about "vaccine pass" restrictions for businesses. All of these are "trial balloons", not any kind of "action".

Finally! Something we can agree on - local government is a joke.

The hardest part of living here is: waiting around to see how it turns out.
Like waiting for a pot to boil and finally realizing that the burner isn't on.
Ironman was postponed by the organizers, to 02/22/2022:
There goes $30M that the local economy really needed.
TMT would have added $30M/year for a decade, so it's pretty obvious our local economy doesn't really "need" that kind of money, or our "elected officials" would have "done something".
Sort of. Tourism accounts for 25% of our economy. Telescope construction & maintenance money, while nice to have, would never approach those numbers.
(08-19-2021, 10:06 PM)Carey Wrote: 02/22/2022:

Wishful thinking. Until we have mandatory vaccines they can kiss their race goodbye.

Which is to say, this is the cost of coddling those who cling to their fears. If we did this with our children they'd never grow up.
After weeks of being MIA while the Big Island hospitals reached capacity, Mitch Roth announced a few days ago that he was "considering" closing the county beach parks to curtail the spread of Covid. Today he formally asked the governor to impose mandatory testing on travelers from the mainland, but still hasn't reached a decision on the parks . . . or anything else.

I don't know what island Mitch is living on, but I'm on one where the great majority of cases is coming from spread among our own local community which has a significant number of people who won't get vaccinated and won't stop gathering. Testing air passengers isn't going to significantly reduce the strain on our medical system. Stronger measures curtailing local gatherings, including churches, would be a start, and it might need to get more stringent than that the way things look. We had 163 new cases in this county today, and that's just the ones who managed to get tested.
Testing is BS. It's like counting how many horses got out of the barn while the door was open -- barn is still open, horses are still out.

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