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cat Killer(?) in puna
Rob, What is a cat factory? Mahalo, Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Hi Mella,

A cat factory is generally a home with a single elderly person who takes in all strays and feeds them and dotes on them. None are spayed or neutered and the cat popultion grows to dozens and more quickly. As the population grows the more ambitious tom cats move out into the neighborhood looking for mates, spraying everything to mark their territory and fighting with the local pets. Many of these adult tom cats are large, mean and dangerous. I wish they ate coqui frogs.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Geez Rob, I qualify for a few of those disclaimers! LOL What a nightmare! Sorry to hear they don't eat the coqui, I had hoped they might. Guess it will have to be chickens.

Good luck in trimming the herd there, no wonder you bought your own trap. I would also, strays do pass disease as well as being a neighborhood nuisance and perhaps eating the precious birds. Aloha, Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I remember visiting a former employer's home near Half Moon Bay, CA, out in a farming area years ago. Across the road was a farm that had a growing family of cats. The owners of the farm put out food and kept them as mousers, I guess. The litters increased rapidly and, in a short time, there were so many cats. They weren't spayed/neutered, nor were they given any medical attention. It was sad. My boss's wife would take in a few that had abcesses in their eyes, but that's about all that she could do. The owners of the farm were not the types to take kindly to suggestions about what they should do about their cat colony.

I don't know what ever happened there. I suppose that it's possible that the colony reached a size to where it crashed.

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