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Wild Animal Attacks in Hawaii
Hawaii is the 4th safest state in the US when it comes to wild animal attacks.
It probably helps that we don’t have bears, snakes, gators, cougars, or wolves:
It’s not the animals I’m concerned about, it’s the humans!
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Yeah, and "domesticated" dogs.
What we lack in lions and tigers and bears we make up for with dog attacks.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Ah, but we do have snakes in Hawaii.

Better watch out, this one is vicious!
They're kinda cute.  You can find them under potted plants that have been sitting awhile and under rocks.  Same places you might find centipedes and slugs too.  At first glance they are very similar to earthworms but the dead giveaway is the little forked tongue that flickers out.

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