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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
Big failure with my response, so here it goes again. 6 months Kander? (One of your examples of so called vaccine effects) You know, a lot of people have died within 6 months of being vaccinated, mostly elderly of course. You're employing the old correlation/causation fallacy.

Here's the thing: Hospitals nationwide have been swamped with Covid patients recently, about 90% of them unvaccinated. They have not been swamped with persons suffering from vaccine injury, either real or imagined.
(10-06-2021, 09:06 AM)TomK Wrote: So that's four people who became ill. Now, how do you connect that to having taken the vaccine? What is your evidence that the vaccine caused those illnesses?
4 normally healthy people who after receiving their injection suffer from severe and suspect ailments. How can you prove that it is not related? Even those 4 people didnt think that the vaccine might have been the cause, until the read the listed side effects. This is the problem. We dont know if its the vaccine causing this because there is no long term study of what these injections do. But, if you suddenly start having people having the same type symptoms who dont share the same environmental exposure except for one common denominator it seems suspect to me.

Or, I guess it could be just as easily ciguatera poisoning. Even though the man is a vegan.
(10-06-2021, 03:28 PM)kander Wrote: Even those 4 people didnt think that the vaccine might have been the cause, until the read the listed side effects...

Yeah, those side effects can be a killer..

I'm always amazed when a commercial comes on the tv from some new fangled drug and after they get done telling us how they'll keep our hangnails from hanging and then list the possible side effects. Have you noticed how most of them include possible death? Even for a hangnail!

But the one that really gets me is the long list of possible side effects from getting Covid!


The researchers confirmed that, despite being initially a respiratory virus, long COVID-19 can affect nearly every organ system in the body. Evaluating 379 diagnoses of diseases possibly related to COVID-19, 380 classes of medications prescribed and 62 laboratory tests administered, the researchers identified newly diagnosed major health issues that persisted in COVID-19 patients over at least six months and that affected nearly every organ and regulatory system in the body, including:
  • Respiratory system: persistent cough, shortness of breath and low oxygen levels in the blood.
  • Nervous system: stroke, headaches, memory problems and problems with senses of taste and smell.
  • Mental health: anxiety, depression, sleep problems and substance abuse.
  • Metabolism: new onset of diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol.
  • Cardiovascular system: acute coronary disease, heart failure, heart palpitations and irregular heart rhythms.
  • Gastrointestinal system: constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux.
  • Kidney: acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease that can, in severe cases, require dialysis.
  • Coagulation regulation: blood clots in the legs and lungs.
  • Skin: rash and hair loss.
  • Musculoskeletal system: joint pain and muscle weakness.
  • General health: malaise, fatigue and anemia.
While no survivor suffered from all of these problems, many developed a cluster of several issues that have a significant impact on health and quality of life.
Among hospitalized patients, those who had COVID-19 fared considerably worse than those who had influenza, according to the analysis. COVID-19 survivors had a 50% increased risk of death compared with flu survivors, with about 29 excess deaths per 1,000 patients at six months. Survivors of COVID-19 also had a substantially higher risk of long-term medical problems.

"Compared with flu, COVID-19 showed remarkably higher burden of disease, both in the magnitude of risk and the breadth of organ system involvement," Al-Aly said. "Long COVID-19 is more than a typical postviral syndrome. The size of the risk of disease and death and the extent of organ system involvement is far higher than what we see with other respiratory viruses, such as influenza."

On another site..

Which has graphics..

[Image: 41598_2021_95565_Fig2_HTML.png]

Yeah, kander, I'd say you're on to something.. you certainly have to consider the side effects!
didnt think that the vaccine might have been the cause, until the read the listed side effects. 

The average medication lists 70 different side effects.  If you took any medication, then read the full listing of side effects you could easily think you may have 1 or 2 or 3 of them.  Even doctors have a hard time determining whether a patient has had a reaction, especially if they take other medications, so how can "that one guy" or "those four guys" who read about vaccination side effects on Facebook know for certain if their vaccination caused one? 

My arm was sore after my vaccination.  One side effect is body aches.  OMG! I should have started doing my own research sooner!

"Having a high number of side effects on a drug's label should not suggest that the drug is unsafe. In fact, much of this labeling has less to do with true toxicity than with protecting manufacturers from potential lawsuits," said study researcher Dr. Jon Duke, assistant professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
Don’t forget the myriad possible affects of interactions with other drugs one might be taking.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Drugs are bad, mkay?
So much for natural immunity.

"Unvaccinated people are more likely to be reinfected with the coronavirus, according to a group of researchers.

A team of researchers from the Yale School of Public Health and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that protection from natural infection is limited.

“Reinfection can reasonably happen in three months or less,” said Jeffrey Townsend, the Elihu Professor of Biostatistics at the Yale School of Public Health, in a statement. “Therefore, those who have been naturally infected should get vaccinated. Previous infection alone can offer very little long-term protection against subsequent infections.” ...

... As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus,” Dornburg said. “Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.”
Certainty will be the death of us.
(10-06-2021, 03:28 PM)kander Wrote:
(10-06-2021, 09:06 AM)TomK Wrote: So that's four people who became ill. Now, how do you connect that to having taken the vaccine? What is your evidence that the vaccine caused those illnesses?
4 normally healthy people who after receiving their injection suffer from severe and suspect ailments. How can you prove that it is not related?

What about all the people who are vaccinated and haven't suffered "from severe and suspect ailments"? You are cherry-picking data and ignoring the overwhelming evidence that 1) vaccines work and 2) they are safe. We know nothing about the four people you post about but somehow you connect their illnesses to the vaccine because, well, what is the reason?
How about the experience of a friend of mine ? Not a random example found on the internet.

My friend got the virus early on before there was a vaccine available.He was hospitalized for a month and it took a year for some of the symptoms to go away. When the vaccine became available he got the jab.
Last month he got the virus again after attending a reunion in my hometown in Ohio but it was more like a bad cold and got over it in less than a week. Two others were not so lucky, one died the other is confined to a wheelchair. Both were antivaxxers.

He credits the vaccine and is thankful.
(10-07-2021, 01:48 PM)Obie Wrote: How about the experience of a friend of mine ? Not a random example found on the internet.
That's what "they" say (On the internet) it takes for the dug in antivaxxers to finally abandon their obstinance and get the shot- namely someone in their inner circle getting very sick and/or dying from Covid.

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