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USPS - The US's pride.
Trump really did us a great favor when he appointed our new head of USPS.
He seems to be living up to his promise as to how he'll be running things.
And, I suspect Amazon is partially to blame for the quality of service I've been getting because of replacing their product with someone else's, ...probably just my paranoia.

I had purchased an item through Amazon that went bad.
It was an Amazon product.
I was already unhappy with it because of the restrictions Amazon placed on its use, very similar to the types of restrictions that are placed on software.
They're basically still the owner and you're simply just a user, even though you bought it.

I replaced it with another brand, but was forced to purchase it through Amazon.
I ordered 5 different items, all connected to the main item's use, on Oct. 23.
Amazon split into 5 different orders/shipments because they all came from different vendors.
OK, that's reasonable.
Then ...

USPS labeled 2 items as "undeliverable" when they reached Kona, for whatever their reason.
The third item's tracking number on Amazon only says it was picked up by USPS back about the 23rd, but on the USPS website it says it was sent to Saginaw, Mich. and delivered there.
It's officially still in transit per Amazon, running late and due today, not likely to show up per USPS' status.
That's 3 out of 5 gone badly so far.
One item was delivered.
That's 4 out of 5.
The final item, #5, was received in Honolulu this morning.
Baring unforeseen circumstances, it should be delivered tomorrow, only 2 weeks in transit.
Not bad for what the new head of the USPS said he'd do.
Won't know its status until it either shows up, or I'm notified of it's disappearance - tomorrow, or whenever.

If my experience is now typical, shipping for the coming holiday season is going to be a complete diastaser.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Price, quality, service. Pick any two.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Today, my spousal unit waited in a six-person line. The line didnʻt move at all for forty-five minutes. County canʻt do anything. Itʻs a federal issue. Email Kahele. Tell him we need more room, more employees, lockers for package pick up, shelter. The postmaster general cannot be fired except by a board filled with Loser-appointed drones. Tell our elected representative that Congress needs to pass legislation to change this. Or at least just bitch and moan to him so he knows that the natives are getting restless.
Certainty will be the death of us.
USPS has been a joke for decades.

They are a prime example of government's inability to compete with the private sector.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure Hawaii and Alaska were basically subsidized by everyone else until recently.
I just received this from Kai Kaheleʻs office:

Thank you for contacting our office regarding the USPS in Pahoa. The Congressman and his staff met with the manager of post office operations at the Pahoa post office earlier this year to address many of the concerns shared by the community. We were informed that the Honolulu-based manager of post office operations is currently reviewing a variety of options for adjusting their postal operations in Pahoa in order to better serve their customers. One of the suggestions we brought up was the potential to utilize the old Malama Market to service the community. We're hopeful to see some progress soon.

Congressman Kahele is a proud cosponsor of the following:
H.R.3076 - Postal Service Reform Act of 2021
H.R.695 - USPS Fairness Act
Certainty will be the death of us.
For over a decade we have had a private mailbox. There weren't any usps boxes available when we moved to Puna. We rarely wait more than a few minutes to pick up packages.

Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
My problem is with the USPS system, getting something across the mainland and the Pacific to Pahoa.
Once they reach Pahoa, taking 2 days for a delivery is very, very slow, but at least it's here.
The one remaining item in my order's tracking number is supposed to be in Pahoa as of this morning.
Normally, a morning arrival in Pahoa makes it to our morning delivery route.
With Trumpster's buddy's stirring of the USPS' pot, and the correctness of the tracking info, It should be delivered today, but probably not until tomorrow.

One item is still not here yet, probably won't show up here, the one Amazon says is on its way but late, and USPS says went to Saginaw, Mich.
In another day or two, I'll need to browbeat one of Amazon's inept customer service reps into getting that order cancelled and the refund started.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
In all fairness unless you have seen what happens in back of the post office with the daily inundation of stuff that if not picked up that day has to be piled someplace to make room for more stuff the next day its amazing they can deliver mail at all. They have at times called me on my cell phone to please come down and pickup my packages because they dont have hardly any room to walk.

When they built that office I doubt they figured that it would ever be doing the load its currently doing with the inrush of new people that moved into the area and the online shopping. And this seems to be the case with all the puna post offices except maybe Hilo. Even Keauu, Kurtistown are the same appearance of overloaded workload.
I doubt they figured that it would ever be doing the load its currently doing with the inrush of new people that moved into the area and the online shopping.

We lost 700 homes to the 2018 lava flow.
Amazon has been shipping boxes for 25 years.
Other federal agencies have new offices in East Hawaii:  USDA, USGS, there's a relatively new useless fence at the airport, etc.

There's money available.  It's just not being appropriated for use on the one thing that almost every one of us uses every day. 
How much do you think operation costs are at Pohakuloa, or to fly giant Air Force cargo plane practice runs from Oahu to Hilo, rattling the syrup bottles at Ken's House Pancakes when they buzz a hundred feet overhead?  Give them a day or two off.  Probably enough $ saved to build both a Pahoa and a Keeau post office.

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