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Restrictions to continue!
I wouldn't be pinning any hopes on this pandemic going away anytime soon, this due to the complications the vaccine has introduced to the entire equation.

We need a far more effective vaccine and or better treatment options.
The only way I see mandates and lockdowns being ended is through the courts. There's simply too much decision making that's been based on fears and far less on true science.

Beyond today and with boosters becoming an inevidedable mandate.
Possible long term ramnifactions for infection by or vaccination by of SARS-COV-2 long chain spike proteins, particularly in the case of continued boosters. An invitro based scientific study translated for dummies... Though invitro is not invivo, there's no reason to believe that the spike proteins won't exhibit the same results through an invivo study due to the fact that we already know these spike proteins are indeed entering cells through infection or vaccination, once there we now know via this invitro study, they enter the nucleus. There they inhibit both BRCA-1 and 53BP1 enzyme from performing their tagging of broken DNA strans tasks. Broken and unrepaired DNA results in cellular mutations. This is why those with mutated BRCA-1 enzymes are suseptible to breast and ovarian cancers, etc.
Summing up the end take away, affected cells "commit suicide" but may allow damaged DNA an escape, producing cancer cells while damaged exosomes can still enter the T and B cells (immune systems antigen fighting cells) producing randomized ineffective binding regions, dissallowing proper immune system response.
And this in a nut shell is a possible explanation as to why the vaccine has a short lived efficacy period and is not effective against aquiring or transmitting the virus and resulting in large numbers of antibody dependence cases.
(11-21-2021, 05:40 AM)Durian Fiend Wrote:
(11-20-2021, 10:50 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: your silence in answering the question kinda answers the question

What silence?
What question?
He was wondering if the 30 something you knew who was so sick got the Covid vaccine.

The odds are very low for it, first because he got very sick and second because he's a 30 something in Puna.

Restrictions/masks pretty much everywhere in the world will continue through this winter.  Beyond that, probably not IMO.

Only a few cities in the US still have such mandates. Even D.C. is ending theirs. There's no way restrictions and mandates last through next year.

Basically any political pundit that isn't the major news networks whether left or right leaning all hate the restrictions and mandates.

If Hawaii still wants tourists they will end them too, that or people will just openly flaunt the rules until they are no longer enforceable whatsoever.

This winter though, for Hawaii at least yeah... they likely won't end. Maybe we'll get lucky Dec 1st though.

On the bright side though, maybe we will see an effort to increase the supply of doctors/nurses. Hawaii needs more NPs and the like.
He was wondering if the 30 something you knew who was so sick got the Covid vaccine.

I didn’t realize that required an answer.  We all know vaccinated/unvaccinated can get sick with COVID, and those who are sick can spread COVID.  We also know that generally vaccinated people get less affected, but some can still get quite ill.  Would it prove one thing over another if the person was either vaccinated or unvaccinated?

The reason I noted that the person was sick was to remind ourselves that COVID is still out there, spreading, and creating worry and uncertainty for those in contact with the people who test positive. 
(11-21-2021, 07:40 PM)malahini Wrote:
(11-21-2021, 05:40 AM)Durian Fiend Wrote:
(11-20-2021, 10:50 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: your silence in answering the question kinda answers the question

What silence?
What question?
He was wondering if the 30 something you knew who was so sick got the Covid vaccine.

The odds are very low for it, first because he got very sick and second because he's a 30 something in Puna.

Restrictions/masks pretty much everywhere in the world will continue through this winter.  Beyond that, probably not IMO.

Only a few cities in the US still have such mandates. Even D.C. is ending theirs. There's no way restrictions and mandates last through next year.

Basically any political pundit that isn't the major news networks whether left or right leaning all hate the restrictions and mandates.

If Hawaii still wants tourists they will end them too, that or people will just openly flaunt the rules until they are no longer enforceable whatsoever...
You mean flout the rules?  Colorado recently announced that vaccination will be required for some indoor events.  I believe NYC does too.  California, Oregon and Washington mostly require masks for the public indoors. I don't recall which mandates you find to be especially offensive though.  
Downtown Hilo, you can see tourists wearing masks outdoors within dense settings of people, around the Farmer's market for instance.  The only ones not wearing look to be locals.
Basically any political pundit that isn't the major news networks whether left or right leaning all hate the restrictions and mandates.

I guess it depends on what you read and watch.  I don’t find that to be true at all.  Also, most people who don’t mind wearing 5% more clothing (a mask) aren’t vocally pissing and moaning about it.
(11-22-2021, 01:53 AM)Durian Fiend Wrote: You mean flout the rules?  Colorado recently announced that vaccination will be required for some indoor events.  I believe NYC does too.  California, Oregon and Washington mostly require masks for the public indoors. I don't recall which mandates you find to be especially offensive though.  
Downtown Hilo, you can see tourists wearing masks outdoors within dense settings of people, around the Farmer's market for instance.  The only ones not wearing look to be locals.

Most of the mask mandates left on the mainland are school specific and/or government buildings only. I thought Hawaii was the last place with a state wide indoors no matter what mandate, but it looks like the state of Washington still has it. Doesn't look like California except for two counties though. D.C drops it on Monday. New York is only government buildings and long term care facilities.

I'm sick of it all in general. Vast majority if the US doesn't have this junk anymore. It's completely absurd we're still doing this. It was supposed to be at 70% vaccination. Now we're 90%+ and still doing it.

I was fine with it originally, but 20 months in after vaccines... yeah no.
Of all the tihings I have watched government do over my lifetime, wearing masks during a pandemic is the least of it all.
I donʻt mind the masks. Itʻs not a big deal to me. Itʻs the crowd restrictions. No other state has such crowd restrictions and even Honolulu has opened up some. I find it ridiculous that I canʻt sit down and eat a sandwich outside at Island Naturals or Makuu Market while people can eat and drink inside restaurants.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(11-22-2021, 07:34 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: Of all the tihings I have watched government do over my lifetime, wearing masks during a pandemic is the least of it all.

It's just a completely unnecessary reminder. It's the entire emergency order, and the fact this sure seems a whole lot longer than temporary.

The masks are just a constant reminder of everything else, and it is frustrating when I forget masks or I have to buy more and etc... I never know, am I really going to have to buy more? I assumed that I wouldn't need to buy more when I bought some in January.

The constant reminder these people want to call people's constitutionally enshrined rights, just "privileges". The masks aren't really that much of an infraction, it's just it is a constant reminder of everything else, and many people, including myself just want to move on from this. Not to mention that somehow anyone thinks a unilateral executive "emergency" order would be remotely legal under a sane regime. (One that lasts this long that is)

I am still extremely sore over lockdowns and it really bugged the crap out of me, and still bugs the crap out of me that stuff flew at all. I knew when they said it would only be for a week or whatever it was a LIE, but no one believed it then it just went on from there.

Again, I always wore my mask last year and had no problems doing it, but the fact we are doing it this long after vaccines have become available, which was supposedly the original goal... and we're STILL doing it... constant reminder of the never, ever ever ending movement of the goalposts.

Oh for just a week, oh just for two months... well let's just wear masks until vaccines come out... nah... gotta get the most vulnerable vaccinated, nah gotta get 70% vaccinated, well no way past October 15th... oops.. we're at 90%+ now!!! That's what I'm pissed off about, the complete dishonesty of the narrative pushed from the beginning. It was all about just getting their foot in the door... it never ever ends. It really really bugs me also that people have been OK with this.

At least it makes me feel a little bit better that the lockdowns in many places have spurred protests with tens of thousands of people. It was extremely surprising to me it didn't happen last year.
The definition of “fully vaccinated” will eventually mean all five slots on the CDC vax record card must be filled.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!

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