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Is Amazon Prime worth it to Hawaii?
Amazon collects more data than I thought. And I thought it would be a lot:

Amazon collects data on consumers through its Alexa voice assistant, its e-commerce marketplace, Kindle e-readers, Audible audiobooks, its video and music platforms, home-security cameras and fitness trackers. Alexa-enabled devices make recordings inside people’s homes, and Ring security cameras capture every visitor.

Such information can reveal a person’s height, weight and health; their ethnicity (via clues contained in voice data) and political leanings; their reading and buying habits; their whereabouts on any given day, and sometimes whom they have met.

One reporter’s dossier revealed that Amazon had collected more than 90,000 Alexa recordings of family members between December 2017 and June 2021 – averaging about 70 daily.
I've had Prime for years, and find it useful for certain things:

- I 've never set up Alexa, bought the security camera or fitness tracker.

- I have a Kindle Fire, and use it for library books, wi-fi internet, and their free videos. ( If they know I visit reddit, like George Carlin, and comedy tv series and movies, so be it.)

- I find it most useful for holiday and birthday gifts for relatives and friends. Sending gift cards to adults ( many stores available ), and books and toys for the younger set via their delivery service has saved me quite a bit of $, and lots of time standing in line at the post office. I plan to do a large chunk of my xmas shopping, for people from Maine to Oahu, in one evening, with a beer at hand.
Thanks for the link to that story HOTPE. Really interesting... and scary.

That's just one company. I hate to think of the amount of info the government is collecting on us.
The Feds have been in bed with Big Telecom since the 1950s when they had access to every Ma Bell call. AT&T now provides the Feds unfettered access to multiple communication hubs including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington D.C.

The NSA has a data collection center in Bluffdale, Utah that has an estimated 2-3 Yottabytes of storage capacity. This is in addition to the hundreds of acres of servers operating in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.

A joint US/British program named PRISM currently mines data from Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple traffic.

The Feds have been watching and listening for 70+ years, and the Patriot Act made it much easier to do with less bureaucratic hurdles.

So rest assured Chas, they are collecting everything that they can get.
Also the faces of every piece of mail you send or receive. If you ever have to bug out, better go somewhere you've never called, emailed, written, gifted, or looked up!
In my early days, I was very politically active on the mainland, against the Viet Nam war, the draft, etc. About a decade later, I needed a security clearance for a job. It took 3 days to clear. Less than a year later, I had to request a clearance for someone I wanted to hire. Their clearance took less than a morning. If they didn't snag me then, I'm not worried now. In the overall scheme of things Puna and those of us who live here aren't even a small blip on their radar.
Besides the point. Small Fry or Big Fish, everyone gets surveilled and documented.

Kinda like a factory bottom trawler - the net gets em all, even the bycatch.
Well I signed up for Prime because wife want to watch Amazon Prime movies and so for 3 dollars more you get free shipping. Im gonna continue to use my physical address in HPP for deliveries. If Amazon continues to send stuff via USPS to my physical address I will just cancel it and just use Prime video. At least Ill know for sure if being a Amazon Prime member makes a difference in shipping packages to my home.
Interesting note about FedEx, and I wonder if it's unique to Hawaii. When they receive something that is addressed to my PO box, they know my physical address and they deliver it!

I seem to remember that they called me once and asked me. Not sure how they got my phone number, but I'm glad they did!
Interesting note about FedEx

At one time I know you could give FedEx both mailing & physical address and they kept it on file for future reference.  Back then UPS didn’t have such a file but if you received shipments often enough your driver would remember your location.

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