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Rude Hitchhiker
Today, heading out of Pahoa toward Kalapana, I passed a female hitchhiker that yelled F-you at me when I drove by. Kinda pissed me off. My truck was loaded with tools up to the ceiling and I really didn't want to stop and explain to her that I had no room in my truck. And I was hauling stinky garbage in the back so I was tempted to pull over and offer her a ride with the pilau rubbish in the back. Just venting. Anyway if you're hitching it might behoove you to be polite to everyone whether they stop or not.
They should hold out a Finn just to jump/squeeze back.
Speaking of hitchikers sometimes I see this old man in Hawaiian Beaches hitchhiking. Anyone know what the deal is with him?

He typically wears a suit. No idea why someone would wear a suit complete with jacket in Hawaii while standing outside in the heat.

No one seems to ever pick him up.
Waiting on your personal report Mal
I believe his name is James. I have never picked him up but know others who have. He lives in Beaches/Shores with ohana, and apparently has dementia, which is worsening. He will want a ride into Pahoa but will often demand to be taken back home after, or will forget where he is going or changes his mind and wants to be taken back home.

So, presumably safe to give a ride, but be prepared to waste a fair bit of time. Hope that answers your questions. :-)
More or less. Thanks. I won't feel bad for not picking him up now.
I've given him a ride up to Pahoa once before and felt compelled to get him back home safely thereafter. He's harmless, just wants to exercise some aspect of independence, I imagine.
(12-02-2021, 08:20 AM)malahini Wrote: Speaking of hitchikers sometimes I see this old man in Hawaiian Beaches hitchhiking. Anyone know what the deal is with him?

He typically wears a suit. No idea why someone would wear a suit complete with jacket in Hawaii while standing outside in the heat.

No one seems to ever pick him up.

James. He goes to 7-11 and Blackrock Cafe most mornings. I have taken home numerous times. He does not want you to take him all the way to his house. He wants dropped off at the beginning of his street and that he will walk the rest of the way. Says that his daughter doesn't want people to know which house is theirs.
Who is the guy hitchhiking frequently on Kahakai with the umbrella and glasses?

Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
That's also a good question.

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